Ludwig Baur (archivist)

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Ludwig Baur (born March 11, 1811 in Darmstadt ; † May 25, 1877 there ) was a German archivist and diplomat . For many years he was archive director of the Secret House and State Archives in Darmstadt.


Ludwig Baur was born in Darmstadt as the son of the Darmstadt teacher Carl Christian Wilhelm Baur and his wife Katharine Schmitt. After completing his training as an administrative lawyer in Gießen , he became a court clerk at the court in Darmstadt. In 1836 he was appointed assistant to the Secret House and State Archives in Darmstadt and in 1838 he was appointed archives secretary. In 1844 Baur was appointed second archivist. In 1851 he was appointed secret archivist, in 1853 Baur was appointed director of the Cabinet Archives and finally in 1855 director of the House and State Archives. In 1857 Baur becomes Dr. jur. PhD. In August 1876 he retired at his own request.

Awards (selection)

Publications (selection)

  • Document book of the Arnsburg monastery in the Wetterau, 1849
  • Hessian documents: from the Grand Ducal Hessian House and State Archives (ed.), 1860
  • Reports from the Hessen-Darmstadt envoy Justus Eberh. Passer to Landgravine Elisabeth Dorothea, 1867

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