Ludwig Brackebusch (geologist)

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Academia Nacional de Ciencias (Córdoba) in 1876
Ludwig Brackebusch

Ludwig Brackebusch (born March 4, 1849 in Northeim , † June 2, 1906 in Hanover ) was a German geologist, mineralogist and paleontologist who was a pioneer of geology in Argentina . He was a professor at the University of Cordoba .


Brackebusch grew up in the Harz region, studied theology and geology from 1869 and mathematics and natural sciences at the University of Göttingen from 1871 , where he received his doctorate in 1874 (Development of the geognostic conditions in the area between Falkenstein and Königerode am Unterharz) with a work as part of his work as Assistant geologist at the Prussian State Geological Institute , where he mapped as an assistant geologist in the Harz from 1873 to 1875. From 1875 he was at the invitation of Hermann Burmeister as the successor to Alfred Wilhelm Stelzner (who moved to the Bergakademie Freiberg) Professor of Mineralogy and Director of the Mineralogical Institute at the University of Córdoba in Argentina.

He undertook many expeditions including in the hitherto little-studied high Andes in northwestern Argentina, where he developed the penitents described (Penitentes). He also examined the passes to Chile, which was important to the government of Argentina, and oil deposits in the Andean region. His extensive collection of fossils, rocks and minerals is mainly at the University of Córdoba, a smaller part at the Natural History Museum Berlin (1700 specimens of rocks and minerals from Argentina).

In 1877 he married Maria Emilia Charlotte Weule, with whom he had six children.

A. Döring named the mineral brackish bushite after him in 1880 .

In 1888 he returned to Lower Saxony and worked there independently as a consulting geologist. His successor as professor in Córdoba was Wilhelm Bodenbender .

Brackebusch settled in Hanover around 1890.

In 1891 he published the first geological map of Argentina (in German and Spanish in Gotha ).


  • Mapa geológico del interior de la República Argentina, Gotha 1891

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Rudolf Vierhaus (Ed.): Brackmann, Albert (Theodor Johann Karl Ferdinand) , in ders .: German Biographical Encyclopedia , second, revised and expanded edition, Volume 1: Aachen - Braniß , Munich: KG Saur Verlag, 2005, ISBN 3-598-25031-2 and 978-3-598-25031-6, p. 869; limited preview in Google Book search
  2. mindat, Brackebuschite