Ludwig Roth from Telegd

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Ludwig Roth von Telegd (born September 10, 1841 in Kronstadt , Transylvania , † April 16, 1928 in Budapest ) was an Austrian geologist.


Roth von Telegd studied at the Bergakademie Freiberg (1860–1862) and the Steiermärkisch-Ständischen Montanlehranstalt (1863/64). In Leoben he became a member of the dead Corps Tauriscia. He then worked at the Rothschild Works (later the Witkowitz Iron Works ) in Vítkovice (Ostrava) , at the Mining Department in Cluj and finally at the Imperial Geological Institute in Vienna. In 1867 he was an intern in the mining department of the Hungarian Ministry of Finance. In 1870 he came to the newly established Royal Hungarian Geological Institute in Pest and was appointed assistant geologist in 1871 and section geologist in 1872. From 1870 to 1880 he worked in the Transdanubian volcanic region and in the Leithagebirge . It was there that he first used the stratigraphic term pannonia . In 1882 he was with Karl Hofmann in Marseille, where he studied the famous collection of petrefacts from Henri Coquand and took over for the Hungarian geological institute. In 1883 he worked in the Ore Mountains near Schönfeld , in 1895 in the Transylvanian Ore Mountains and in the Transylvanian Basin . In doing so, he produced significant results for oil and coal research. He was appointed Chief Geologist in 1883 and Senior Mining Councilor in 1884. In 1913 he retired. For the countries of the Hungarian Crown , Roth's work was of the utmost importance.


  • Oberbergrat (1894)
  • President of the Hungarian Geological Society (1901–1904)
  • Order of the Iron Crown (Austria) 3rd Class (1909)
  • Honorary member of the Hungarian Geological Society (1921)
  • Chief Councilor for Mining (1927)

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Individual evidence

  1. Otto Noll: The Corps Tauriscia to Leoben. 1862-1866 . Einst und Jetzt, Vol. 19 (1974), pp. 151-158.
  2. Roth Telegd, Ludwig (OBL)