Ludwig von Ostau (Minister)

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Ludwig von Ostau (born October 6, 1663 , † November 2, 1727 in Königsberg ) was a Prussian statesman.


Ludwig von Ostau was a member of the East Prussian noble family von Ostau . His parents were Major Ludwig von Ostau and Barbara, geb. from Ostau. He was hereditary lord of Lablacken , secret budget minister, chancellor and feudal director.

He began his career in 1690 as Chamberlain in Brandenburg . In 1696 he became captain of Neuhausen and Labiau , in 1706 state director and captain of Brandenburg . Since 1712 he was Real Privy Councilor and Chancellor of the Kingdom of Prussia . In 1716 he became president of the Higher Appeal Court. He obediently accepted the reforms under Friedrich Wilhelm I , so that even after the reorganization of the judiciary in Prussia he remained in office and took over the chairmanship of the commission for improved land law.

He was married to Maria Casimira Elenore Countess von Schlieben (1681–1751). Friedrich Wilhelm I bought the building at Königsstrasse 65 to 67 in Königsberg from her in 1731 for personal use. The royal library was located there from 1810 to 1901.

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Christian Krollmann : von Ostau, Ludwig. In: Old Prussian biography . 2nd volume. Gräfe and Unzer, Königsberg 1967.
  2. Christian August Ludwig Klaproth, Immanuel Karl Wilhelm Cosmar: The king. Prussian and Churfürstl. Brandenburg Really Secret State Council on its bicentenary foundation day on January 5th, 1805. Berlin 1805, p. 400, no. 140.
  3. Detlev Schwennicke : European family tables . New episode. Publisher Vittorio Klostermann GmbH, Frankfurt / Main 2002. Volume XXI. Tfl. 147