Luis Armando Collazuol

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Coat of arms of Luis Armando Collazuol

Luis Armando Collazuol (born February 10, 1948 in Rosario , Santa Fe , Argentina ) is Bishop of Concordia .


Luis Armando Collazuol was ordained a priest on September 29, 1974 .

Pope John Paul II appointed him titular bishop of Elo and auxiliary bishop in Rosario on December 31, 1997 . The Archbishop of Rosario, Eduardo Vicente Mirás , donated him episcopal consecration on March 27 of the following year; Co- consecrators were Jorge Manuel López , Archbishop Emeritus of Rosario, Héctor Sabatino Cardelli , Auxiliary Bishop in Rosario, and Mario Luis Bautista Maulión , Bishop of San Nicolás de los Arroyos .

On July 21, 2004, John Paul II called him Bishop of Concordia. The inauguration ( enthronement ) took place on October 11 of the same year.

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predecessor Office successor
Héctor Sabatino Cardelli Bishop of Concordia
since 2004