Luise Vaher

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Luise Vaher (until 1944 Luise Kapstas , born August 21 . Jul / 3. September  1912 greg. Gut Tõlliste (interpreting Teilitz). Sangaste ; † 14. February 1992 in Viljandi ) was an Estonian writer.


Luise Vaher graduated from high school in Valga in 1932 and then worked for a while on her parents' farm. From 1938 to 1940 she was employed in the Karula parish hall . Since she had actively participated in the restructuring of the company after the Soviet annexation in June 1940, she preferred to move to the so-called "Soviet hinterland" when the war broke out, where she remained until 1944. After her return to Estonia, she worked in the journalistic field in Valga until 1950, but then came into conflict with the local party leadership and was dismissed. From 1951 to 1958 she was a warehouse worker in Viljandi , then a freelance writer and since 1961 a member of the Estonian Writers' Union .


Luise Vaher published her first story in 1951 in Looming magazine and made her debut in 1960 with the novel Story of Emajõgi , which won third prize in the previous year's novel competition. Critics called the novel a “panoramic novel” whose “collective main characters are the builders of Soviet power.” In fact, the clash between the old (pre-war) order and the new Soviet power is at the center of the plot, which takes place in a village in southern Estonia the last months of World War II and the subsequent peace period. The novel corresponds entirely to "the scheme of the Soviet novel, according to which a main character who is initially doubtful or in confusion finds the right communist path at the end." Despite this relative adaptation to the prevailing art style, the author's novels were rich and lifelike Language praised.

Vaher has edited her novels from time to time, even without state control bodies having urged them, so that a new edition could have a different focus or orientation. Some of her novels have also been translated into Russian.


  • Emajõe jutustus ('Tale of Emajõgi'). Tallinn: Eesti Riiklik Kirjastus 1960. 524 pp. (Revised new edition 1974)
  • Katrina Üle ('K.Ü.'). Jutustused. Tallinn: Eesti Riiklik Kirjastus 1962. 260 pp.
  • Rindeõde ('The Front Sister '). Tallinn: Eesti Raamat 1965. 306 pp. (Revised new edition 1982)
  • Päeva palge ees ('Before the face of the day'). Tallinn: Eesti Raamat 1968. 247 pp.
  • Tormipöörises ('In the cyclone'). Tallinn: Eesti Raamat 1982. 682 p. (Together with a new edition by Rindeõde )
  • Meelespealillede hõng ('The scent of forget-me-not'). Tallinn: Eesti Raamat 1983. 464 p. (Together with a new edition by Päeva palge ees )
  • Põlev pärisosa ('Burning Heritage'). Tallinn: Eesti Raamat 1987. 334 pp.


Literature on the author

  • Olev Jõgi : Üks epohhiromaan oma kahe poolega, in: Looming 6/1961, pp. 949–952.
  • Ine Viiding: Luise Vaheri romaanid ja kriitika, in: Looming 9/1982, pp. 1268-1272.
  • Ülo Tonts: Vargamäelaste preemia Luise Vaherile, in: Kirjanduse Jaosmaa 1988. Tallinn: Eesti Raamat 1992, pp. 174-177.
  • Johanna Ross : Aira Kaalust Mari Saadini. Nõukogude eesti naisarenguromaan ja selle lugemisviisid. Tartu: Tartu Ülikooli Kirjastus 2018, pp. 111–130.

Individual evidence

  1. cf. Cornelius Hasselblatt : History of Estonian Literature. From the beginning to the present. Berlin, New York: Walter de Gruyter 2006, pp. 526-527.
  2. Eesti kirjanike leksikon. Koostanud Oskar Kruus yes Heino Puhvel. Tallinn: Eesti Raamat 2000, pp. 638-639.
  3. Olev Jõgi: Üks epohhiromaan oma kahe poolega, in: Looming 6/1961, p. 951.
  4. Johanna Ross: Aira Kaalust Mari Saadini. Nõukogude eesti naisarenguromaan ja selle lugemisviisid. Tartu: Tartu Ülikooli Kirjastus 2018, p. 113.
  5. Ine Viiding: Luise Vaheri romaanid ja kriitika, in: Looming 9/1982, p. 1268.
  6. Johanna Ross: Aira Kaalust Mari Saadini. Nõukogude eesti naisarenguromaan ja selle lugemisviisid. Tartu: Tartu Ülikooli Kirjastus 2018, pp. 118–120.