Lunda Bululu

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Vincent de Paul Lunda Bululu (* 1942 ) is a Congolese politician. From 1990 to 1991 he was Prime Minister of Zaire, now the Democratic Republic of the Congo .


He comes from Katanga and is a professor of law .

On May 4, 1990 , he became prime minister of a transitional government when President Mobutu Sese Seko , who had been ruling authoritarian since 1965 , had dismissed the previous head of government Kengo Wa Dondo for a second time. In the course of a general democratization of the African states, the president was forced to admit further parties besides the previous unity party Mouvement Populaire de la Révolution (MPR). Bululu also belonged to the Bululu, previously he had been Mobutu's advisor on legal issues. Bululu later published a book about his tenure. His term of office ended on April 1, 1991 . From 1994 to 1995 he was Foreign Minister for Kengo Wa Dondo's third and final term.

After Mobutu's fall in May 1997, he belonged to the Rassemblement Congolais pour la Démocratie rebel group, supported by Rwanda and Uganda , which fought against Mobutu's successor Laurent-Désiré Kabila in eastern Congo . After conflicts within the movement, he lost his leading position in 1999 and went to Belgium for a while . He later joined the Mouvement de Liberation du Congo (MLC) party. At the end of 2004 he founded his own party called Rassemblement des socialistes féderalistes (RSF). An opinion poll published in February 2005 put its supporters at 1.5%.


  • Le conclusion des traités en droit constitutionnel zaïrois . Bruylant 1984.
  • Conduire la première transition au Congo-Zaïre . L'Harmattan 2003. ISBN 2-7475-4850-3

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