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Orange eightingale (Luscinia brunnea)

Orange eightingale ( Luscinia brunnea )

Order : Passerines (Passeriformes)
Subordination : Songbirds (passeri)
Superfamily : Muscicapoidea
Family : Flycatcher (Muscicapidae)
Subfamily : Schmätzer (Saxicolinae)
Genre : Luscinia
Scientific name
T. Forster , 1817

The genus Luscinia is a genus within the order of the songbirds (Passeri). Species of this genus native to Central Europe are the nightingale ( L. megarhynchos ), their twin species the sprout ( L. luscinia ) and the bluethroat ( L. svecica ).


The name Luscinia appears as the Latin name of the nightingale alongside the Greek Philomela in the literature of Roman antiquity. Allegedly, Luscinia etymologically comes from clus-cinia , which contains the Sanskrit word cru for "hear" and the Latin clueo for famous , the meaning would therefore be something like "famous singer".


Within the order of the genus songbirds was earlier along with other allied genera in the family of reactors set (Turdidae), according to recent genetic studies but it is the family of Fliegenschnäpper assigned (Muscicapidae). Sometimes all groups mentioned, including thrushes, are summarized as Muscicapidae.

Within the family, it forms with the genera Erithacus (e.g. robin ), Phoenicurus (redstart), Saxicola (e.g. whinchat ), Oenanthe (e.g. wheatear ), Monticola (e.g. stone rubel ) and Ficedula (e.g. pied flycatcher ) as well as another series of genera that are not represented in Europe, the subfamily of the Schmätzer (Saxicolinae) - sometimes also referred to as Erithacinae or "Erdsänger". These are differentiated from the "actual flycatchers" (Muscicapinae). B. belongs to the graycatcher.

With the genus Erithacus , z. B. the robin belongs to the genus Luscinia , in some cases some of the species listed below are also placed in the genus Erithacus by various authors . In the past, all Luscinia species were often classified in this genus.

In the case of these genera, it is not surprising that they were placed next to the thrushes, as they are particularly similar in some features. These are e.g. B. the special, sometimes thrush-like song, the food intake, which takes place mainly on the ground, the spotted youthful dress and (in contrast to the typical flycatchers) barely pronounced beak bristles.

The genus Luscinia is partly subdivided into other genera such as Cyanosylvia (bluethroat), Calliope (ruby throat ), Larvivora (blue nightingale) and Pseudaedon (buzzing nightingale), elsewhere this division is made as a division into super species .

Sometimes the species of the genus Tarsiger , such as the blue tail ( Tarsiger cyanurus ), are placed in this genus.

Description and way of life

The species of the genus Luscinia are between 13 and 16 cm tall, usually show an upright posture and tend to set up their tails vertically. In the case of the nightingale, spossser and buzzing nightingale, the sexes can hardly be distinguished, the other species show a very clear sexual dimorphism. The first species are simply brown or speckled, with the other species mostly only the female is so inconspicuously colored, the males have brightly colored, conspicuous plumage areas in red, orange and blue tones or conspicuous white.

All species show a distinctive singing.

The distribution of the species is limited to the ancient world . Their breeding area is mainly in the temperate zones of Europe and Asia, where most of the species occur. All species are migratory birds that winter in the tropical zone of Africa, India or South Asia.

The habitat mostly consists of wooded or bushy terrain, the nest is usually built near the ground or in the lower areas of the shrub layer. The food consists mainly of arthropods and is largely sought on the ground and the way of life is quite hidden. For example, longer flights over open terrain are avoided.


Also listed as the genus Larvivora :

  • Blue nightingale ( Luscinia cyane ) - Eastern Siberia to Japan and Korea
  • Orange nightingale ( Luscinia brunnea ) - south and east flanks of the Central Asian mountains
  • David nightingale ( Luscinia pectardens )
  • Black-throated Nightingale ( Luscinia obscura ) - Central China

Also listed as the genus Calliope :

Also listed as the genus Icoturus , the latter two species often also as Erithacus :

Also listed as the genus Cyanosylvia :

Always listed as the genus Luscinia :

Luscinia sibilans , Khao-Yai National Park , Thailand (video, 16s)

Also listed as the genus Pseudaedon :

Some of the species of the genus Tarsiger are also included in the genus:


  1. ^ A Latin Dictionary, Lewis and Short 1933, OUP, see article Luscinia in engl. Wikipedia

Web links

Commons : Nightingales ( Luscinia )  - album with pictures, videos and audio files