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Luzzatto (plural: Luzzatti ) is a common family name in Italy, which is based on the name for immigrants from the German region of Lausitz (lat. Lusatia).

The Luzzatto family

The Luzzattos (Hebrew לוצאטו ) are now a widespread family, whose family branches - partly also of Jewish origin - can be traced back to the first half of the 16th century. Many well-known namesake come from that branch of the family, which had mainly worked in the Padua and Piedmont area . The Italianized name is derived from the Latin name "Lusatia" for the German area "Lausitz". Proof of the Lusatian origin is that the German rite and not the otherwise widespread Sephardic rite was cultivated in the family synagogue in Venice . Other branches of the family of the same name go back to the 14th century and were given the status of coat of arms due to high offices. Branches of this old patrician family with origins in Venice thrived in and around Florence, Jesi, Urbino and in the greater Lombardy-Veneto region in Merano, Trieste and Gorizia.

Name representatives


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