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Lycoptera davidi

Lycoptera davidi

Temporal occurrence
Upper Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous
157 to 110 million years
Subclass : Neuflosser (Neopterygii)
Subclass : Real bony fish (Teleostei)
Overcohort : Osteoglossomorpha (Osteoglossomorpha)
Order : Lycopteriformes
Family : Lycopteridae
Genre : Lycoptera
Scientific name
Müller , 1848

Lycoptera is a real bony fish (Teleostei)belongingto the Lycopteridae family. The species Lycoptera davidi lived 157 to 136 million years ago, i.e. H. in the period from the Kimmeridgian ( Upper Jurassic ) to the Valanginian ( Lower Cretaceous ). Fossils were found mainly in Liaoning (Deer Province) in the northeast of the People's Republic of China . The Jiufotang formation here contains a rich Lycoptera - Ichthyofauna , which, however, was placed in the Upper Aptian - Lower Albian period. They are the oldest fossil members of the osteoglossamorpha (osteoglossamorpha)that are still alive today.



In Lycoptera is diminutive freshwater fish, which had a size of seven to nine centimeters on average and could be a maximum of about 18 centimeters long. They had a slender, elongated body, a narrow head with a rounded snout and an upper mouth. The dorsal fin was far back, above the anal fin , the pectoral fins were narrow and long, the caudal fin was only slightly indented.

Lycoptera were probably schooling fish and mainly fed on drifting grasses.


  • Lycoptera davidi
  • Lycoptera muroii


  • Robert L. Carroll: Paleontology and Evolution of the Vertebrates . Thieme, Stuttgart (1993), ISBN 3-13774-401-6 .
  • Karl Albert Frickhinger: Fossils Atlas Fishes . Mergus-Verlag, Melle, 1999, ISBN 3-88244-018-X .

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Commons : Lycoptera  - collection of images, videos and audio files