Lyngvig Fyr

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Lyngvig Fyr
Lyngvig Fyr, Denmark, Lighthouse H.JPG
Place: DenmarkDenmark Hvide Sands
Location: On a dune by Holmsland Klit
Geographical location: 56 ° 2 '59.1 "  N , 8 ° 6' 13.2"  E Coordinates: 56 ° 2 '59.1 "  N , 8 ° 6' 13.2"  E
Height of tower base: 17  m
Fire carrier height : 38 m
Fire height : 53 m
Lyngvig Fyr (Midtjylland)
Lyngvig Fyr
Identifier : Fl (3) W.20s
Scope knows: 17 nm (31.5 km )
Operating mode: 1906 acetylene gas burner
1920 petroleum burner
1955 electrification
2000 sodium lamp
2011 light emitting diode
Function: Sea fire
Construction time: 1906
Operating time: since November 3, 1906
International ordinal number: B 1868

Lyngvig Fyr (formerly also: Nørre Lyngvig Fyr) is a Danish lighthouse on Holmsland Klit on the west coast of Jutland .

The 38 meter high lighthouse was built in 1906 on a 17 meter high dune and was the last to be built on the Danish North Sea coast . The reason for the construction was the stranding of the steamship Avona three years earlier, in which 24 seafarers were killed.

The foundation of the tower, like the base and the entrance area, was made of concrete. The tower itself is made of bricks, and teak wood is used for the windows and the entrance door. The beacon, equipped with a Fresnel lens and an acetylene gas burner, went into operation on November 3, 1906. The rotating lens was pulled by a weight that could move all the way through the stairwell. After four hours the weight had to be pulled up again with a capstan . In 1920 the light source was replaced by a kerosene mantle burner, and in 1955 the lighting and lens drive were electrified. The lighthouse has been working automatically since 1965. At the beginning of 2000 it was equipped with a 250  watt , 300,000 candela strong sodium-charged lamp.

Due to technical problems with the rotary drive, the beacon was replaced in November 2011 by a light-emitting diode lantern attached to the outside of the gallery . As a result of this measure, the identifier has changed and the range has been reduced from 22 to 17 nautical miles . This loss of performance led to the establishment of an association to maintain the beacon on August 11, 2012 in Hvide Sande . In December 2013, a new beacon was put into operation, which gave the residents the usual nightly “all-round lighting”.

The lighthouse can be visited all year round. A total of 228 steps have to be climbed to the viewing platform of the lighthouse, 79 of them on the wooden stairs that lead from the outbuildings at the foot of the dune up to the tower entrance. In the outbuildings there is an exhibition on the history of the lighthouse, a souvenir shop and a café.

Web links

Commons : Lyngvig fyr  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Peter Svendsen: Lighthouses: West Coast of Jutland . Bollerup Boghandels Forlag, ISBN 87 89 155 41 6 , 24
  2. Efterretninger for Søfarende 2011. (PDF; 18.4 MB) EfS 1244. Farvandsvæsenet, archived from the original on April 8, 2014 ; Retrieved January 16, 2018 (Danish).
  3. Lyngvig Fyr nu igen med rede lys. Maritime Danmark, December 25, 2013, accessed January 16, 2018 (Danish).