Mário Sottomayor Cardia

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Mário Sottomayor Cardia (born May 19, 1941 in Matosinhos , † November 17, 2006 in Lisbon ) was a Portuguese politician of the Partido Socialista and a minister in the first two cabinets of Mário Soares .


After studying philosophy at the Faculty of Literature at the University of Lisbon , between 1963 and 1968 he was editor and most recently editor-in-chief of the magazine "Seara Nova". In the elections for the Assembleia da República of 1965 and 1969, he was an unsuccessful candidate for the opposition . In October 1970 he was arrested by the Direção-Geral de Segurança (DGS) secret police for his political activities . After his release he was temporarily in exile in Germany , where he was one of the founders of the Partido Socialista (PS) on April 19, 1973 in Bad Münstereifel .

After the Carnation Revolution of April 25, 1974, which led to the overthrow of the dictatorship of the Estado Novo , he first became spokesman and director of the party newspaper of the PS. He was also a member of the Constituent Assembly (Assembleia Constituinte) in 1975.

After the subsequent two-year temporary military administration and the election victory of the PS in the parliamentary elections of April 25, 1976, Prime Minister Mário Soares made him Minister of Education and Research (Ministro da Educação e Investigação Científica) on September 23, 1976 . January 1978 first acting cabinet appointed. In the subsequent second cabinet of Soares he was Minister for Education and Culture (Ministro da Educação e Cultura) until August 29, 1978. As a minister, he introduced major reforms in higher education , but also in elementary and secondary education. In addition to the introduction of a uniform system for university access, this included the introduction of higher education for college graduates and later for polytechnic schools , the creation of short courses and the establishment of the institution for the recognition of university degrees. During his tenure, English lessons were also introduced from the 5th grade.

Between 1983 and 1991 he was again a member of the Assembleia da República as a representative of the PS. He was also a member of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe from September 26, 1983 to January 1, 1988 . At the same time, he continued his studies in philosophy at the New University of Lisbon , which he completed in 1992 with a dissertation on "The Structure of Morality " ( "Da Estrutura da Moralidade" ). He then worked until 1997 as a professor of political science at the New University of Lisbon.

In 1997 he resigned from the PS in protest against Prime Minister António Guterres' policies .


  • "O Dilema da Política Portuguesa" , 1971
  • "O Antimarxismo Contestatário" , 1972
  • "Por uma Democracia Anticapitalista" , 1973
  • "Socialismo Sem Dogma" , 1982 (preface by Marío Soares)
  • “Prosas Sem Importância” , 1985
  • " Salazar , Abril eo Presente" , 1985
  • "Ética" , 1992, reprint 2006 , ISBN 972-23-1581-1


Individual evidence

  1. Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe ( Memento of the original from February 14, 2009 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link has been inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / assembly.coe.int