Girls Choir Wernigerode

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Girls Choir Wernigerode
Girls' choir Wernigerode in the church of Berga (1) .jpg
Seat: Wernigerode / Germany
Carrier: State high school for music Wernigerode
Founding: 1977
Genus: Girls choir
Founder: Claudia Senff
Head : Steffen Drebenstedt
Voices : SSAA
Website :

The  girls' choir Wernigerode  was founded in 1977 and is one of the leading choirs of its kind in Germany. In this ensemble, the students of the 9th and 10th grades of the State Gymnasium for Music Saxony-Anhalt in Wernigerode sing . 

After successfully passing the musical aptitude test, young people interested in music are given the opportunity to attend the  State High School for Music in Wernigerode .

In this special training facility, which is home to the Wernigerode girls' choir, the Wernigerode radio youth choir and 2 children's choirs, the pupils enjoy special musical training in addition to the high school education. This consists of the subjects of music history, music theory, ear training, voice training, piano and choir conducting. In three weekly choir rehearsals, the girls can apply the skills they have acquired in class while making music together. 

The intensive voice training work is an essential basis for ensuring that this special ensemble can maintain its high level for years despite the annually changing line-up. 

Once committed to folksong in a special way, the choir's repertoire has expanded considerably over the years. It includes sacred and secular choral works from different centuries as well as spiritual and jazz arrangements.

Especially German and international folksong arrangements, mostly sung in the original language, always form an important part of the current concert program.  

Composers of our time appreciate the remarkable vocal culture of the girls' choir Wernigerode and enjoy working with it.

In the course of its 40-year history, the girls' choir Wernigerode has repeatedly drawn attention to itself through guest performances and national and international choir competitions. At the 4th International Johannes Brahms Choir Competition 2003 in Wernigerode, the choir, under the direction of its then conductor Bertram Zwerschke, achieved a gold medal and victory in the category “Youth Choirs of Equal Voices”. In May 2006 he won 2nd place in the same category at the 7th German Choir Competition in Kiel, as well as a special prize for the best interpretation of a German folk song.

Steffen Drebenstedt has been the artistic director of the girls' choir in Wernigerode since 2009.  


Bertram Zwerschke (* 1956 in Parchim )
graduated from the then special classes for music education in Wernigerode (today: Landesgymnasium für Musik) from 1971 to 1975 , where he sang in the radio youth choir Wernigerode and its chamber choir. During his studies at the Martin Luther University Halle / Wittenberg he sang in the chamber choir of the university, the Halle Madrigalist , and obtained his diploma in 1981 . In the same year he took over the artistic direction of the girls 'choir Wernigerode and brought it to numerous international successes, thus establishing the name of the girls' choir beyond national borders. In January 2009 he was replaced by Steffen Drebenstedt , who was also a graduate of the State High School for Music in Wernigerode.
Steffen Drebenstedt (* 1972)
passed his Abitur at the special classes for music education in Wernigerode, today's state high school for music, and sang there in the radio youth choir under Friedrich Krell. This was followed by studies at the "Franz Liszt" University of Music in Weimar, which he completed with the state examination for school music education, the diploma for choral conducting and a teaching qualification for voice training. During his studies he sang under the direction of Gert Frischmuth and Jürgen Puschbeck in the chamber choir of the Musikhochschule Weimar, in which he took over the choral training and individual rehearsals during his final years of study. The intensive work with a high school girls' choir within the clerkship and the direction of a chamber choir he founded, with which he made guest appearances at home and abroad, further enriched his development as a choir director. He also directed several amateur ensembles.
His professional career initially led him to work as a voice trainer for the Tölzer Boys Choir in Munich for a year. Since summer 2002, Steffen Drebenstedt has been teaching voice training and choral conducting at the State High School for Music in Wernigerode. There he was also involved as an artistic assistant at the Wernigerode radio youth choir and the Wernigerode girls' choir. In the meantime he led the children's choir of the 7th and 8th grades. During his more than 12 years as a lecturer in choral conducting at the South Thuringian Choir Conducting Seminar, he passed on his experience. In January 2009 he was appointed artistic director of the girls' choir in Wernigerode. In addition to the production of two new CDs so far, the choir has since given several television appearances and numerous successful concerts at home and abroad under his direction.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Landesgymnasium für Musik Wernigerode Retrieved on April 18, 2018