Mateu Fletxa el Vell

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Mateu Fletxa el Vell ( cat . : 'the elder'), also ( Spanish ): Mateo Flecha el Viejo (* 1481 in Prades , † 1553 in Poblet ) was a composer from the Kingdom of Aragón . It was of great importance for the development of an independent Spanish form of music, the Ensalada .

He spent his apprenticeship with master Joan Castelló . In 1523 he was appointed Kapellmeister of the Lleida Cathedral and eventually he even taught the daughters of Emperor Charles V , Maria and Joana.

His most important works are the Ensaladas ( El jubilata, El fuego, La bomba, La negrina, La guerra and La justa ) and some popular pieces of music, so-called Villancicos .

He died in 1553 as a Cistercian monk in the Poblet monastery .

His nephew, Mateu Fletxa el Jove ('Mateu Fletxa the Younger'; 1530–1604), a musician with international experience who put together some important collections of music from the Renaissance , made his music known and ensured that it was preserved.

Web links

Wikisource: Mateo Flecha el Viejo  - Sources and full texts (Spanish)