Magdalene Bussmann

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Magdalene Bußmann (* 1946 ) is a German Catholic theologian and church historian .


Magdalene Bußmann was born as the second of seven children into a Catholic farming family in Münsterland . She studied theology , history and sociology at the University of Münster , where she was particularly impressed by the fundamental theologian Johann Baptist Metz . With their 1976 published dissertation theology and Peasants' War: Studies on the reception of theological elements and their impact in the program and objectives of the insurgents of 1524-25 it was from the University of Münster (Catholic School of Theology) in 1977. Dr. theol. PhD .

Initially, Magdalene Bußmann worked as a church historian at various universities. Because of her participation in the initiative Church from below , the Bensberger Kreis and the initiative We are Church , she had increasing difficulties to keep her teaching permit, especially since she also became familiar with feminist topics .

Magdalene Bussmann then worked in a psychiatric clinic , in a publishing house and in an ABM position at the University of Essen . Since 1996 she has been a member of the board of the Readers Initiative Publik-Forum e. V. , where she worked as a speaker from 2002 to 2005.

In 1996 Magdalene Bußmann married Heinrich Missalla .


  • Will our children still be Christians? , together with Jürgen Hoeren . Christopherus, Freiburg 1990
  • Signs of life against death. For a human world and a human church , together with Gottfried Bitter and Heinrich Missalla. Publik-Forum, Oberursel 1991
  • Gay. The book for homosexual lovers, their relatives and their opponents , together with Hans-Georg Wiedemann , Helmut Kentler and Rainer Stuhlmann. Kreuz, Stuttgart 1995


Individual evidence

  1. German National Library: Bußmann, Magdalena or Bussmann, Magdalena (accessed December 6, 2015)
  2. Gerd Niewerth: Essen reform theologians - Ruhr bishopric threatens to bleed out , WAZ October 10, 2013 (accessed on December 6, 2015)
  3. Readers' initiative Publik-Forum (accessed on December 6, 2015)