Magnus Hirschfeld Society

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The Magnus Hirschfeld Society is a registered scientific society based in Berlin . It was founded in 1982 with the purpose of researching and preserving the scientific and cultural heritage of the sex researcher Magnus Hirschfeld and his Institute for Sexology .


The society was founded in 1982 in West Berlin by a group of gay and lesbian historians in Hans-Günter Klein's apartment . On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the seizure of power in 1933, the homosexual victims of the Nazi regime should also be addressed. It was also planned to set up a new institute for sexology , which would continue the work of the doctor and sex researcher Magnus Hirschfeld . Furthermore, attempts were made to obtain compensation for the destruction of the institute as a token of reparation for the destroyed existences of homosexual and transsexual women and men. This is how journalistic activities began.

Until 2013 the company had its headquarters in Chodowieckistrasse. Due to lack of space and concerns about conservation, she then moved to the immediate vicinity of the Federal Magnus Hirschfeld Foundation in Mohrenstrasse in Berlin-Mitte, and in August 2018 she moved to Taubenstrasse 1.


The MHG operates a library with a focus on the works of Magnus Hirschfeld, his contemporaries, the sexual science journals of the time and archives sources on the history of the institute as well as on sexology and sexual politics. Parts of the holdings also come from the possession of the former Institute for Sexology; the estate of Iwan Bloch is of particular importance .

From the beginning, the MHG has published regular publications. In addition to various individual publications, there are two monographic series, namely the series of publications by the Magnus Hirschfeld Society and the Berlin publications on sex science and sexual politics published from 1998 to 2004. However, since 1983 the main focus of the publications has been the communications of the Magnus Hirschfeld Society, in which both research results and documents on the contemporary discourse on gender and homosexuality are regularly published.

Since 1992 the company has been running a research center with a focus on the history of sexual and gender sciences, the preservation and critical processing of Magnus Hirschfeld's work and the history (s) of sexual and gender minorities.

The Magnus Hirschfeld Society regularly organizes exhibitions on the subject of Magnus Hirschfeld and the Institute for Sexology and participates in other exhibitions on related topics, partly actively and partly through loans from its own holdings.

In addition, the Magnus Hirschfeld Society and other lesbian and gay archives and research groups participated in an action alliance that resulted in the establishment of the Federal Magnus Hirschfeld Foundation in 2011 . Since 2018 she has also been involved in setting up the Queer Kulturhaus in Berlin.

Publications (selection)

  • From then to now: History of a homosexual movement 1897–1922 . Publication series of the Magnus Hirschfeld Society No. 1, Verlag Rosa Winkel , Berlin 1986 (reprint of a series of articles by Magnus Hirschfeld for the Berlin gay magazine Die Freund 1921/22)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Manfred Baumgardt , Ralf Dose , Manfred Herzer , Hans-Günter Klein, Ilse Kokula , Gesa Lindemann : Magnus Hirschfeld - life and work. Exhibition catalog . West Berlin: rosa Winkel, 1985 (series of publications by the Magnus Hirschfeld Society 3); 2nd ext. Ed. With an afterword by Ralf Dose. Hamburg: von Bockel, 1992. (Series of publications by the Magnus Hirschfeld Society 6)
  2. The Magnus Hirschfeld Society is relocating […] - associated federal foundation , on October 2, 2012