Magnus Jocham

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Dr. Magnus Jocham, contemporary drawing.

Magnus Jocham (born March 23, 1808 in the Rieder district in the village of Bühl am Alpsee , a district of Immenstadt im Allgäu ; † March 4, 1893 in Freising ) was a Roman Catholic pastor and professor of moral theology at the archbishopric Lyceum in Freising and a writer . He belonged to the circle of the Catholic Allgäu revival movement . He was also the founder of the Freising Kolping Family .

Jocham's main literary work, which also made him known nationwide, is the two-volume hagiographic manual Bavaria Sancta , published in 1861/1862 , in which he depicts the saints and blessed of Bavaria, including Franconia and the Rhine Palatinate .

Fonts (selection)

  • Bavaria Sancta. Life of the saints and blessed of Bavaria for instruction and edification for the Christian people. The saints and blessed of Bavaria including Franconia and the Rhine Palatinate (2 volumes). Publishing house of the Catholic book club, Munich 1861 and 1862. 684 and 538 pp.
  • Magnus Jocham (author), Magnus Sattler (posthumous ed.): Memoirs of an obscurant. An autobiography . Commission publishing house of Jos. Kösel'schen Buchhandlung, Kempten 1896. 851 pp.
  • Magnus Jocham (ed.): Life of the venerable Ludwig de Ponte from the Society of Jesus. A look into the outer life of this order in its first bloom. Freely edited from the Latin life story written by the Jesuit Heinrich Lamparter . FC v. Geideschen Buchhandlung, Sulzbach 1840. 214 pp.
  • Magnus Jocham: The moral pestilence of the people by the Jesuits. With particular reference to the moral theology of Fr Gury . Verlag Franz Kirchheim, Mainz 1866 (2nd edition 1869). 54 pp.


  • Johannes Zinkl: Magnus Jocham, Johannes Clericus, 1808-1893. A Contribution to the History of Catholic Theology and Piety in the Nineteenth Century . Herder Verlag, Freiburg 1950. (biography)
  • Helmut Borok: Being and life for God in Christ. Justification, constitution and implementation of Christian life. The organic moral principle of Magnus Jocham (1808-1893) . EOS Verlag Erzabtei St. Ottilien, St. Ottilien 1993. ISBN 3880964688
  • Hildebrand Dussler: Johann Michael Feneberg and the Allgäu revival movement in the view of the Freising moral theologian Magnus Jocham . Verlag für Heimatpflege, Kempten (Allgäu) 1959. 267 pp.

Web links

Commons : Magnus Jocham  - collection of images, videos and audio files
Wikisource: Magnus Jocham  - Sources and full texts