Acropolis painter 606

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Name vase of the painter of Acropolis 606

The Attic artist , referred to by the emergency name Painter of Acropolis 606 , also Painter of Athens 606 , was a vase painter of the black-figure style . His creative period is from 570 to 560 BC. Adopted.

The painter's name vase is a dinosaur found on the Acropolis of Athens , now in Athens, National Archaeological Museum Inv. Acr. 606, on the main frieze of which a battle between warriors and chariots is depicted. The side friezes show groups of animals, plant patterns and groups of riders. On the underside he depicted a swirl of animal figures reminiscent of the work of Kleitias . His sense of colors and details is also reminiscent of Kleitias. He pays attention to the posture of his characters and devotes himself particularly to details such as armor and helmet bushes, but not everything succeeds as intended. He liked to paint rider amphorae , which were more bulbous than ordinary amphorae and have a picture structure similar to the horse head amphorae .


Web links

Commons : Painter of Acropolis 606  - Collection of images, videos and audio files