Sanders and the Ship of Death

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German title Sanders and the Ship of Death
Original title Coast of Skeletons / Sanders and the Ship of Death
Sanders and the Ship of Death Logo 001.svg
Country of production Great Britain , Germany
original language English
Publishing year 1965
length 91 minutes
Age rating FSK 12
Director Robert Lynn
script Anthony Scott Veitch
Peter Welbeck
production Harry Alan Towers
music Christopher Whelen
camera Stephen Dade
cut John Trumper

Sanders and the Ship of Death is a British-German adventure film (English title: Coast of Skeletons ) based on motifs from the novel "Sanders vom Strom" (Original title: Sanders of the River ) by Edgar Wallace . In Germany, the film, which the British director Robert Lynn directed in Namibia , South Africa and London in the summer of 1964 , was marketed as the 22nd entry in the Edgar Wallace series . The film, produced by Harry Alan Towers in Techniscope and Technicolor , opened in German cinemas on April 30, 1965.


The contract for an insurance company takes Sanders to Africa, where he is supposed to investigate the case of a sinking ship. There he soon comes across some oddities and the diver Johnny von Karsten, who is looking for a sunken cargo of gold.

Production history

The wreck of the Eduard Bohlen on the Skeleton Coast in Namibia .
Dietmar Schönherr played Piet van Houten.

After the drums of death by the great river , this was the second of a total of three Edgar Wallace films made by the British producer Harry Alan Towers. Under his pseudonym Peter Welbeck he worked again on the script. The film's exterior shots were shot on location in South Africa , in Windhoek and on the Skeleton Coast . The wreck referred to in the film as the Celdon Star is Eduard Bohlen, who sank in 1909 . The interior recordings took place at Bray Studios in London .


The German-language dubbing was created in 1965. The German actors Heinz Drache , Marianne Koch and Dietmar Schönherr dubbed themselves. Other dubbing actors were:

role actor Voice actor
Sanders Richard Todd Holger Hagen
AJ Magnus Dale Robertson Arnold Marquis
Tom Hamilton Derek Nimmo Horst Sachtleben
Carlo Seton George Leech Erich Ebert
Charlie Singer Gabriel Bayman Klaus W. Krause
Mr. Spyker Gordon Mulholland Helmo Kindermann
Hajo Peterson Josh DuToit Klaus Kindler
Emil Buster Perry Kurt E. Ludwig
interviewer Derek Lyndon Eberhard Mondry
teller Reinhard Glemnitz


"The film, which is not made without care, always has its best moments when the African beach landscape" plays along "."

- film service , 20-21 / 1965

“After“ Death Drums on the Big River ”,“ Sanders ”is the second full-screen color adaptation, which unfortunately leaves something to be desired, especially in terms of the cast. Neither Heinz Drache as a jealous husband and captain (the knight's cross of the submarine commander reliably in the pocket of his memories), nor the somewhat narrow-gauge Sanders hero of Richard Todd can slip into the psychological habit and the appropriate shoe size of their figures. "

- Filmecho , 40/1965

“All that remains is a pale image of Edgar Wallace's colorful figure of the Africa sander. [...] Spectacular corpses stretch the meager plot until hero Sanders, in the hardly surprising finale at the side of an honest, helpful pair of siblings (Marianne Koch / Heinz Drache), is satisfied with the demise of the villain and his unfaithful wife. "

- Hamburger Abendblatt , May 26, 1965

“[...] routine action without much momentum. (Rating: 2 out of four possible stars - average) "

- Adolf Heinzlmeier and Berndt Schulz in Lexicon "Films on TV", 1990

"Penny novel story that Wallace couldn't have invented better."

- Joachim Kramp in "The Edgar Wallace Lexicon", 2004

"Adventure film based on a novel by Edgar Wallace, not without hardships and only moderately exciting."


  • Edgar Wallace: Sanders from the river (Original title: Sanders of the River ). German by Richard Küas . Goldmann, Munich 1981, ISBN 3-442-06435-X .
  • Joachim Kramp , Jürgen Wehnert: The Edgar Wallace Lexicon. Life, work, films. It is impossible not to be captivated by Edgar Wallace! Verlag Schwarzkopf & Schwarzkopf, Berlin 2004, ISBN 3-89602-508-2 .
  • Joachim Kramp: Hello! This is Edgar Wallace speaking. The story of the legendary German crime film series from 1959–1972 . 3. Edition. Verlag Schwarzkopf and Schwarzkopf, Berlin 2005, ISBN 3-89602-645-3 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Sanders and the Ship of Death (1964) in Arne Kaul's synchronous database; Retrieved August 19, 2009
  2. Sanders and the Ship of Death . In: Hamburger Abendblatt . May 26, 1965, p. 9 ( [PDF; 1.6 MB ]).
  3. Sanders and the Ship of Death. In: Lexicon of International Films . Film service , accessed March 2, 2017 .Template: LdiF / Maintenance / Access used