Manuel del Refugio González Flores

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Manuel del Refugio González Flores (born June 18, 1833 in El Moquete, Tamaulipas , † April 10, 1893 in Chapingo in the state of México ) was a Mexican officer and politician. From 1880 to 1884 he was President of Mexico .

Manuel González was born in Tamaulipas in northeastern Mexico in 1833. His military career began in 1847 when he battled US troops who occupied the country in the war against Mexico and killed his father, a farmer. From 1853 to 1856 he fought in the Conservative Forces, which supported General Antonio López de Santa Anna . In 1856 he was wounded in the Battle of Ocotlán.

Manuel González as an officer

In 1859 he took part again in the fighting against the liberal government under Benito Juárez . In 1860 he took advantage of the amnesty passed by Congress and joined the liberal troops who fought against the Emperor Maximilian appointed by the French .

González supported Porfirio Díaz in 1871 in his unsuccessful revolt against Benito Juárez and in 1876 in the successful against Sebastián Lerdo de Tejada . During the first presidency of Díaz he was governor and military commander of Michoacán from 1877 to 1879, and from 1878 to 1879 he was minister of war and navy. In 1880 he was elected president to succeed Díaz, and Díaz became a minister in his cabinet.

During his reign, the Central Mexican Railway was completed, the Banco Nacional de México (Mexican National Bank) was founded and the submarine cable was laid from Veracruz via Tampico to Brownsville . In 1882 it was decided to introduce the metric system of units in Mexico from 1884 . Relations with Great Britain were normalized, Mexico had to accept its debts to British creditors, and the harsh conditions led to unrest in Mexico City . A border conflict with Guatemala was settled peacefully.

Despite all the progress and all the successes, the González presidency was marked by corruption and the government was ultimately unpopular. In 1884 Porfirio Díaz stood again for election and was also elected. González became governor of Guanajuato State and held this office until his death in 1893.

Web links

Commons : Manuel Gonzalez  - Collection of images, videos and audio files
predecessor Office successor
Porfirio Díaz President of Mexico
1880 - 1884
Porfirio Díaz