Manuela Sambo

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Manuela Sambo (* 1964 in Luanda ) is an Angolan painter and translator from Portuguese. She lives in Berlin .


Manuela Sambo was born in 1964 in the Angolan capital Luanda as the daughter of a Portuguese woman and an Angolan. In 1984 she moved to what was then the GDR and studied German and general literature from 1985 to 1993 at the University of Leipzig . As a painter she is self-taught . Since 1991 she has been represented with her paintings at international exhibitions.

Manuela Sambo is married to the German painter and sculptor Daniel Sambo-Richter .


“In Manuela Sambo's paintings and oil pastel drawings, there is often a female person in the center of the picture. The artist uses expressive colors to depict the face and body. Just like the Italian painter Amedeo Modigliani , Manuela Sambo also fills in the almond-shaped outlines of the eyes with a light, monochrome color. Despite her very individual visual language, she draws on styles and visual themes from western art history . The fact that she developed Modigliani's depiction of the eyes for herself is a double reflection, because Modigliani, for his part, was inspired by African art , so that it remains unclear who is taking on what from whom. In addition to the Western references, Sambo's figures are primarily reminiscent of African masks and their formal language. Sambo's style is characterized by a great clarity in the painterly design and the concentration on the main forms of the picture. Based on the mask tradition, their formal language has an aesthetic that is also appreciated by the Expressionists.

- Dorina Hecht

Web links

  • Artist page of the ARTCO gallery.

Individual evidence

  1. Intercultural Training Angola ,, accessed on December 2, 2019
  2. Short biography , accessed on December 2, 2019
  3. Manuela Sambo biography. Retrieved November 28, 2019 .
  4. Dorina Hecht: Africa and Art . Ed .: Dorina Hecht, Günter Kawik. ISBN 978-3-00-031864-1 , pp. 488 .