Marcel Utembi Tapa

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Marcel Utembi Tapa (2017)

Marcel Utembi Tapa (born January 7, 1959 in Luma , now the Democratic Republic of the Congo ) is Archbishop of Kisangani .


The bishop of Mahagi-Niokau, Alphonse-Marie Runiga Musanganya , ordained him on June 29, 1984 as a priest . John Paul II appointed him Bishop of Mahagi - Nioka on October 16, 2001 .

The Pope personally donated him episcopal ordination on January 6 of the next year ; Co-consecrators were Robert Sarah , secretary of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples , and Leonardo Sandri , substitute for the State Secretariat .

He was named Archbishop of Kisangani on November 28, 2008, and was introduced to the office on January 25 of the next year.

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predecessor Office successor
Alphonse-Marie Runiga Musanganya Bishop of Mahagi-Nioka
Sosthène Ayikuli Udjuwa
Laurent Monsengwo Pasinya Archbishop of Kisangani
since 2008