Marco Orsi

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Marco Orsi swim

Marco Orsi at the European Short Course 2015

Personal information
Surname: Marco Orsi
Nation: ItalyItaly Italy
Swimming style (s) : Freestyle
Birthday: December 11, 1990
Place of birth: Budrio
Medal table

Marco Orsi (born December 11, 1990 in Budrio ) is an Italian swimmer .


On March 6, 2009, at the Italian Spring Championships in Riccione, he set a new Italian record in the 50 m freestyle with 21.82 seconds, making it the first Italian under 22 seconds. Back in Riccione at the 2009 Winter Championships, he was the first to undercut the 21s.

At the European Short Course Championships in 2013 , he subsequently won gold in the 4 × 50 m individual medley after the first-placed Russian Vitali Melnikov and his team had been convicted as a doping offender .

Web links

Commons : Marco Orsi  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. FINA Doping Panel 10/14 August 25, 2016