Marco da Gagliano

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Marco da Gagliano

Marco da Gagliano (born May 1, 1582 in Florence ; † February 25, 1643 , ibid.) Was an Italian composer of the early Baroque period . He was important for the development of opera and the madrigal .


Gagliano was born in Florence and spent most of his life there. He was taught by Luca Bati , among others . At the beginning of 1602 he got a job as a singing teacher at the church of San Lorenzo for six years. In 1607 he founded the Accademia degli Elevati and went to Mantua , where he wrote music for the Gonzaga house , including the opera Dafne . Returning to Florence in 1608 (or 1609?), Gagliano succeeded Bati as Kapellmeister of the Compagnia dell'Arcangelo Raffaello , where he had received his musical training. In 1611 (or 1608?) He became Kapellmeister at the Medici court - the office which he would hold until his death.

Music and influence

Gagliano composed a wide range of works, both church music and secular music. He also worked as a musician and singer for the Medici. Of the fourteen published operas, only two have survived : Dafne (1608) based on the libretto by Rinuccini and La Flora (1628) based on the libretto by Andrea Salvadori . Both operas are in the stile rappresentivo , a theatrical style of representation that has theatrical components in words and gestures. Gagliano is thus in the tradition of the Florentine Camerata .

Other music by Gagliano are secular monodies and numerous madrigals . While the monody was a baroque innovation, most madrigals are a cappella and composed in the old, polyphonic style of the late Renaissance. This mixture of progressive and conservative elements runs through all of his music.

Through his position at the Medici court as responsible for all musical activities, Gagliano was very influential in his time. After his death his fame waned and his music is overshadowed by contemporaries like Claudio Monteverdi .


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Individual evidence

  1. a b Brockhaus Riemann Musiklexikon, ed. Carl Dahlhaus, Hans Heinrich Eggebrecht and Kurt Oehl, 2nd edition, Mainz: Atlantis-Schott Musikbuch-Verlag, 1995, vol. 2 p. 94.