Marcos Moshinsky

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Marcos Moshinsky 2006

Marcos Moshinsky (born April 20, 1921 in Kiev , Ukraine , † April 1, 2009 in Mexico City ) was a Mexican theoretical physicist .


Moshinsky emigrated to Mexico with his Jewish family at the age of three, where he was naturalized in 1942. He studied at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) and in 1949 at Princeton University , where he received his doctorate under Eugene Wigner . Afterwards he was at the Institut Henri Poincaré in Paris from 1954 (with a grant from the CNRS ) and was professor at the UNAM from 1962.

Moshinsky studied nuclear reactions in the 1950s and applied group theory of harmonic oscillators (which are described by unitary groups ) in nuclear physics and beyond. In this area he also worked with Valentine Bargmann in the early 1960s . In the 1970s he investigated collective excitations in nuclei (the Bohr - Mottelson model and boson models) using group theoretical methods, but also solid-state problems and the quark model .

In 1959 he was a Sloan Research Fellow . In 1968 he received the Mexican State Prize for Science, in 1971 the Luis Elizondo Prize of the Tec de Monterrey , in 1988 the Prince of Asturias Prize , in 1997 the UNESCO Science Prize and in 1998 the Wigner Medal . In 1967 he was president of the Sociedad Mexicana de Física (Mexican Physical Society). In 1972 he was admitted to the Colegio Nacional (a Mexican academy of arts and sciences) and in 1989 to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences . In 1990 he became a Fellow of the American Physical Society . He is an honorary doctor of the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main .

Moshinsky also long wrote a weekly political column in the Mexican newspaper Excelsior.

The Marcos Moshinsky Foundation is named after him. It is dedicated to promoting science in Mexico. B. awards the Marcos Moshinsky Fellowships and the Marcos Moshinsky Medalla for outstanding achievements in theoretical physics, which has been awarded by the Institute for Theoretical Physics at UNAM since 1993 .


  • Group theory and the many body problem, Macmillan 1968
  • The harmonic oscillator in modern physics: from atoms to quarks, new edition 1996 with Juri Smirnow
  • Groups in physics: Collective model of the nucleus, Canonical transformations in quantum mechanics, University of Montreal Press 1979

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Ganadores del Premio Luis Elizondo. Tecnológico de Monterrey, 2015, accessed October 8, 2018 (Spanish).
  2. Federico Mayor: Address on the occasion of the Award Giving Ceremony of the UNESCO Science Prizes. November 5, 1997, accessed October 8, 2018 (English, pdf, p. 3f). Prize awarded " in recognition of your outstanding contribution to research in physics and to the promotion of science in your country and the Latin American region ".
  3. ^ The Marcos Moshinsky Foundation. Retrieved October 8, 2018 (English, Spanish).
  4. Cátedras, Medallas y Premios., accessed October 8, 2018 (Spanish).