Marcus Caecilius Cornutus (Praetor)

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Marcus Caecilius Cornutus († August 43 BC in Rome ) was a Roman politician of the late republic .


The gentile name of Marcus Caecilius Cornutus is not explicitly passed down, but it is considered certain in research that it came from the plebeian family of the Caecilians . He was probably a relative of Sulla's follower of the same name .

It is only known of Cornutus' cursus honorum that he was born in 43 BC. Served as city praetor (praetor urbanus) . In this capacity he took over the management of the business in Rome instead of the two consuls Aulus Hirtius and Gaius Vibius Panza Caetronianus , when they marched together with Octavian to fight the later triumvir Mark Antony to the vicinity of Mutina . After both consuls had died shortly after one another in the war against Antonius (end of April 43 BC), Cornutus had to supervise their burial on the orders of the Senate.

In August 43 BC BC Octavian advanced at the head of his troops towards the capital, because the Senate did not grant him the clothing of the consulate and otherwise wanted to dump him. The legions stationed in Rome passed to the heir of Caesar , who forced his election as consul in a coup d'état. Cornutus did not want to survive the lackluster final end of the res publica and committed suicide.



  1. ^ Friedrich Münzer : Caecilius 45). In: Paulys Realencyclopadie der classischen Antiquity Science (RE). Volume III, 1, Stuttgart 1897, column 1200.
  2. Cicero , Epistulae ad familiares 10, 12, 3; 10, 16, 1; In M. Antonium oratio Philippica 14, 37; Valerius Maximus 5, 2, 10.
  3. ^ Appian , Civil Wars 3, 92; on this Helmut Halfmann , Marcus Antonius , Darmstadt 2011, ISBN 978-3-89678-696-8 , p. 93; Jochen Bleicken , Augustus , Berlin 1998, ISBN 3-8286-0027-1 , pp. 130ff.