Margarete Henrÿ

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Margarete Henrÿ (born April 28, 1914 in Bad Liebenwerda ; † unknown) was a German teacher and contemporary witness of the Second World War .


Margarete Henrÿ, the daughter of a carpenter , born in 1914 , grew up in Bad Liebenwerda in the Elbe-Elster region and Geunitz in Thuringia . At the age of 16 (1932) she was first a domestic help in Gröben near Ludwigsfelde , a year later she became the daughter of a house in Nordenthal in East Prussia . From 1943 she got a job as a teacher in Neumark in the administrative district of West Prussia .

The eastern front, which was retreating during the Second World War, forced them to flee at the beginning of 1945. To get her three children to safety, she traveled by train via Cottbus to Naumburg to visit relatives and returned to East Prussia on her own, where she found herself in the midst of the chaos of war and finally behind the eastern front. Here she experienced firsthand the reprisals against the fleeing German population. In a long odyssey she managed to return to Naumburg via Berlin and Bad Liebenwerda. From 1949 to 1952 she lived not far from her place of birth in Koßdorf near Mühlberg , where she in turn felt exposed to reprisals from the regional authorities. She moved to West Germany, where she later lived in Arnbach in Baden-Württemberg .

She later described her memoirs and eyewitness accounts in a book published in 1995. Her memories also found their way into the questionnaire project Displaced Women - Women break their silence to prevent future suffering of the women's association in the Association of Displaced Persons .


  • How it was back then. Life memories for my children. 1914-1984. 1995.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c German Literature Lexicon. The 20th century . tape 16 . De Gruyter, Berlin; New York; Boston 2011.
  2. a b c Margarete Henrÿ in the online project, accessed on April 9, 2017.