Margaretha von Staufen

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Margaretha von Staufen (* late 1237 ; † August 8, 1270 ) was a Sicilian princess from the Staufer family and, by marriage, Landgravine of Thuringia .


The daughter of Emperor Frederick II and his third wife Isabella of England became the first wife of Albrecht II ( the degenerate ) . The engagement took place in 1242. Margaretha received the Pleißnerland ( Altenburg , Zwickau , etc.) as a dowry . In 1254 or 1256 the wedding was held. She lived with her husband first on the Eckartsburg in Eckartsberga, then on the Wartburg .

After an alleged adultery between Albrecht and Kunigunde von Eisenberg , Margaretha left the Wartburg on June 24, 1270. Before that she supposedly bit her son Friedrich on the cheek; henceforth his name was Friedrich the bitten. Margaretha first went to the Krayenburg , from there to the Kreuzberg monastery (in today's Philippsthal (Werra) ), then to Fulda .

Finally she went to Frankfurt , where she was accommodated in the Weißfrauenkloster and died a little later. When excavations took place in 1953 as part of the demolition of the Weißfrauenkirche, which was destroyed in the Second World War , around 70 graves were found. The landgravine's grave could not be found.


Your children were:


  • Franz Otto Stichart: Gallery of the Saxon Princesses; biogr. Sketches of all ancestors of the royal house of Saxony, Leipzig 1857
  • Johannes Meyer: Female figures and women rulers in the Wettin house, Bautzen 1912
  • Bernd Kaufmann: The slandered one. The story of Landgrave Albrecht II of Thuringia. First book: Margareta. BKP-Verlag GmbH, Zweibrücken 2009, ISBN 978-3-9813424-0-6 and Der Verleumdete. The story of Landgrave Albrecht II of Thuringia. Second book: War of the Sons. BKP Verlag GmbH, Zweibrücken 2011, ISBN 978-3-9813424-3-7 .
  • Otto Dobencker : Margarete von Hohenstaufen, the ancestral mother of the Wettins. I (1236-1265) . Festschrift of the grammar school commemorating the elevation of the Duchy of S.-Weimar to the Grand Duchy (= supplement to the annual reports of the Grossh. Gymnasium in Jena ), Neuenhahn, Jena 1915 ( digitized version ).

Web links

Commons : Margaretha von Staufen  - Collection of Images

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Anton Kirchner : History of the City of Frankfurt am Main , Part I, Frankfurt am Main 1807, p. 230