Maria da Paixão da Costa

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Maria da Paixão da Costa (2019)
Maria da Paixão da Costa with US Ambassador Hans G. Klemm on board the USNS Mercy in Dili (2008)

Maria da Paixão de Jesus da Costa (born April 2, 1960 in Remexio , Portuguese Timor ) is a politician and diplomat from East Timor . She is a member of the Partido Social Democrata (PSD) and was vice president of the party.


Costa studied political science.

During the UN administration of East Timor, she was civil administrator for her home district of Aileu . In 2001 she failed to enter the constitutional assembly for the PSD in the parliamentary elections in East Timor in 2001 , but became a member of the East Timorese national parliament as a successor. In the new elections in 2007 , Costa was confirmed as a member of the PSD. In the second legislative period, she was a member of the Commission for Economic Affairs, Finance and Anti-Corruption (Commission C) and Vice-President of Parliament.

In the parliamentary elections in 2012 , Costa was no longer on the PSD's electoral list. In any case, the PSD failed at the three percent hurdle.

From February 24, 2014 Costa was East Timor's ambassador to Portugal , and from March 21, 2015 she was also responsible for Cape Verde . Her service ended in 2020 when Isabel Guterres followed her as ambassador.

Web links

Commons : Maria da Paixão da Costa  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b Profile on Parliament's website, October 29, 2008 ( memento of October 29, 2008 in the Internet Archive ) (Portuguese)
  2. a b Munisipio Aileu: Planu Estartejiku Desenvolvimentu Munisipal ( Memento from February 15, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) (tetum), accessed on February 15, 2016.
  3. Embaixada Timor em Lisboa ( Memento from May 31, 2014 in the Internet Archive ), accessed on May 30, 2014.
  4. SAPO Notícias: Nova embaixadora de Timor-Leste em Cabo Verde quer alargar cooperação bilateral , March 21, 2015 , accessed on March 21, 2015.
  5. SAPO: Oito novos embaixadores timorenses, incluindo em Lisboa, tomam posse este mês , January 17, 2020 , accessed on January 18, 2020.