Marianne Dirks

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Marianne Dirks (born August 26, 1913 in Freiburg im Breisgau ; † October 15, 1993 in Wittnau ; born Marianne Ostertag ) was the first president of the Catholic Women's Community in Germany (kfd) from 1951 to 1972, a member from 1951 to 1973 and from 1968 to 1972 Vice-President of the Executive Committee of the Central Committee of German Catholics .


In 1941 she married the then well-known publicist Walter Dirks (since 1946 co-editor of Frankfurter Hefte ) and moved to Frankfurt. The Dirks had four daughters by 1957: Clara, Elisabeth, Maria and Theresia.

She campaigned for equal rights for women in church and society. Religious topics, including the formation of conscience, educational aids, education in the pre-political area and considerations about the position of women in church and society were subjects of her numerous publications.

As early as 1952 Marianne Dirks was named as the kfd representative for the Central Committee of German Catholics. There she initially worked in the marriage and family working group. She was one of the few women to take part in the Würzburg Synod . For Marianne Dirks, the synod was primarily about the dialogue between the various groups in the church: between the bishops' conference and the ZdK, between traditionally and critically thinking Catholics. She shared with Cardinal Döpfner the conviction: clergy and lay people must shape the church in Germany together. In 1968 he appointed her as an advisor to the pastoral commission of the German Bishops' Conference.

In 1973 she was awarded the Great Cross of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany. In 1986 she became an honorary citizen of the Wittnau community.

The Frankfurt Walter and Marianne Dirks Prize is named after her husband Walter Dirks and her .

The "Marianne Dirks Foundation of the Catholic Women's Community in Germany", which has existed since 2004, aims to promote the personal development of women based on Christian values ​​through deepening religious beliefs as well as political and cultural education. The foundation awards the "Marianne Dirks Foundation Prize" every two years.


  • The marriage: chances u. Tasks today . Freiburg i. Br .: Lambertus, 1970.
  • They shaped the face of the church: holy women . Mainz: Matthias-Grünewald-Verlag 1982. (Topos-Taschenbücher 113) ISBN 3-7867-0935-1
  • For a new love for Maria (together with Karl Rahner). Freiburg im Breisgau: Herder 1985. ISBN 978-3-451-20092-2
  • Do women think differently? Experiences and impulses. New edition. Freiburg in Breisgau; Basel; Vienna: Herder 1993. (Herder library 1776) ISBN 3-451-08776-6
  • Change yourself and don't get tired: life texts. Düsseldorf: Klens 1994. ISBN 3-87309-119-4


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Announcement of awards of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany. In: Federal Gazette . Vol. 25, No. 85, May 8, 1973.