Marie-Claire Blais

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Marie-Claire Blais (2010)

Marie-Claire Blais , CC , OQ (born October 5, 1939 in Québec ) is a Canadian writer .


Blais was born in the city of Québec in 1939 and received her education there, including at the Université Laval . In 1959, at the age of twenty, she published her first novel, La Belle Bête . Since then, Blais has written over 20 novels and several dramas; poetry and essays were also published. In 1963 Blais moved to the United States; in Cambridge (Massachusetts) made Edmund Wilson it with the American painter and writer Mary Meigs known (1917-2002), in 1972 its firm life partner was. Blais moved frequently; since the 1970s she lived in Brittany , then again in Québec, and then commuting for a long time between Québec, Montreal and Key West in Florida .

Blais received two Guggenheim scholarships and was honored as Compagnon de l'Ordre du Canada in 1972.

Awards (selection)


  • La Belle Bête , 1959 (as ballet Mad Shadows 1977 by André Gagnon ; filmed in 2006 by Karim Hussain )
  • Tete Blanche , 1960
  • Le jour est noir , 1962
  • Pays voilés , 1963
  • Une Saison dans la vie d'Emmanuel , 1965 (filmed in 1973 by Claude Weisz)
    • Übers. Orka Brigitte Fischer: Black Winter. Novel . Kiepenheuer & Witsch, Cologne 1967; again dtv 642, Munich 1970
  • Les voyageurs sacrés , 1966, 1969, again 1992 (this edition with L'exilé , new in front)
  • L'insoumise , 1966
  • Existences , 1967
  • Les Manuscrits de Pauline Archange , 1968
  • L'exécution , 1968
  • Les Voyageurs sacrés , 1969
  • Vivre! Vivre! , 1969
  • Le Loup , 1970
  • Un Joualonais, sa Joualonie , 1973
  • Fièvre et autres textes dramatiques , 1974
  • Une Liaison Parisienne , 1975
  • Les Apparences , 1976
  • Océan suivi de murmures , 1977
  • Les Nuits de l'underground , 1978
  • Le Sourd dans la ville , 1979 (filmed in 1987 by Mireille Dansereau)
  • Visions d'Anna ou Le vertige , 1982
  • Sommeil d'hiver , 1984
  • Pierre, la guerre du printemps , 1984
  • L'Île , 1989
  • L'Ange de la solitude , 1989
  • L'exilé . Novellas, 1992 (see above 1966)
    • Engl .: The Exile and the Sacred Travelers , 2000
    • Excerpt, trans. Beate Thill: Tender, (Tendresse) in America writing differently. Literature from Québec. Ed. Lothar Baier , Pierre Filion. Das Wunderhorn , Heidelberg 2000, pp. 28–31
  • Parcours d'un écrivain: Notes américaines , 1993
  • Soifs , 1995
  • Dans la foudre et la lumière , 2001
    • engl .: The Collected Radio Drama of Marie-Claire Blais , 2007

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Excerpt in Women in Canada. Stories and poems. dtv, Munich 1993, pp. 69-81. Reviews: Gerda Zeltner, NZZ , May 6, 1967; François Bondy : A novel from Quebec. France's new literary province , Die Zeit , November 24, 1967; Heinrich Vormweg : Fame and End of a Childlike François Villon, Süddeutsche Zeitung , February 24, 1968