Marie Paneth

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Marie Paneth (born August 5, 1895 in Austria ; † November 1986 in London ) was a painter, social worker and art therapist from Austria.

life and work

Paneth received training from the painter Karl Čižek . She married the doctor Otto Paneth (1898–1975), a son of Joseph Paneth, and through him met Sigmund Freud . She and her husband moved to the Dutch East Indies, what is now Indonesia, and later to New York . There she exhibited her works in the Society of Independent Artists in 1939. During the Second World War, she worked on a socio-educational project in London : she brought children into a demolished building with a former air raid shelter on Branch Street. Marie Paneth was friends with Anna Freud , Freud's daughter , throughout her life .

She advocated relaxed, anti-authoritarian dealings with young people, and gave her protégés material for painting and drawing on their own. The participatory Branch Street project used the children's game to build and maintain community: the young people could identify with a common place and a common project and, by taking responsibility themselves, build something new in the bombed and destroyed places of their city. The project was a great success and the youth changed their attitude towards authority. These ideas, above all the idea of ​​the adventure playground, are an integral part of the theory of youth work to this day.

After the war, she worked in Great Britain with traumatized children and adolescents who had been liberated from concentration camps, for example in Leonard Montefiore's project . In the documentary The Children of Windermere - The Documentation , broadcast in 2020, on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz , there are historical recordings of their work, including a. together with Lydia Tischler , then sixteen , as an art therapist . She returned to New York in the 1950s and lived in France from the late 1960s. Her works have been exhibited in collective exhibitions by Austrian artists.

Paintings (selection)

  • The Carriers (1958)


  • Branch Street. A Sociological Study. London 1945.
  • Rebuild those lives. In: Free World , April 1946.


  • Marie Paneth papers , Library of Congress, Washington, DC ( [1] )


Web links

Individual evidence
