Mark Greif

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Mark Greif (* 1975 in Boston , Massachusetts ) is an American Americanist who became known as the co-founder and co-editor of the literary magazine n + 1 .


Greif attended the Commonwealth School in Boston and participated in the 1992 Telluride Association Summer Program . He graduated from Harvard University in Cambridge (Massachusetts) with a Bachelor of Arts in history and literature and went to Oxford in England in 1997 with a Marshall Scholarship until 1999 to study British and American literature .

Greif received his PhD in American Studies from Yale University in New Haven , Connecticut . He is currently (2016) Associate Professor of Literary Studies at Eugene Lang College at New School University in New York City .

n + 1

In autumn 2004, Greif founded the literary magazine n + 1 with other authors and editors ( Keith Gessen , Chad Harbach , Benjamin Kunkel , Marco Roth ) , which is published quarterly. He also contributes to the magazine with essays on politics, sociology, etc.

Collaboration in other magazines

Greif writes frequently in the liberal American political magazine American Prospect and in the British London Review of Books, which appears every fortnight .


in n + 1 :

  • Against exercise , Fall 2004.
  • Mogadishu, Baghdad, Troy , Fall 2004.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Think American. In: Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung . November 1, 2011.
  2. The world spirit in the sneaker in: FAZ from February 6, 2012, page 26