Brand formula

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Under brand formula is meant a whole category of racing cars with exposed wheels, formula cart , each not subject to the relatively free formula regulations, but in many components - primarily the engine, transmission and suspension - are fixed. The basis is usually a production car , but motorcycle engines are also used. Most of the time, the make and dimensions of the tires are also given; but not the same in all countries.


To distinguish it from the “real” formulas such as Formula 3 and above, the narrowness of the regulations regarding the engine serves. A uniform engine is prescribed in a brand formula, in a "large" formula only the engine block must be homologated, and certain parts (air flow limiter, control box) can be prescribed. The expansion stage of the engines is then optional; In brand formulas, the engines (and more) are sealed and no longer part of the expansion competence of the teams. The special case of Formula 3000 and GP2 with their uniform engines does not allow them to become branded formula cars, as the teams have all the freedom with regard to the other components such as suspension, drive, etc. And even the Cosworth engine, despite its number, is not homologated , especially not the Renault V8 engine. Nevertheless, with the exception of Formula 1, the major formula classes have some similarities with brand formulas. But nobody would seriously think of calling them that.


There are strict regulations for each brand formula, which describe the structural conditions and permitted changes. This includes the external appearance of the vehicles, including the transport vehicles, and the driver's suits.

Teams (racing teams) with one or more vehicles and drivers usually compete for the respective championship. Central administration and maintenance in a production team is also possible, as is the case with the Formula Palmer Audi .


First in the USA, then almost worldwide, a new type of formula car began to increase its presence in the racing scene in the 1960s. For reasons of financial feasibility, essential parts had to come from the VW Beetle . Since the vehicle was very light overall, the brakes and the 4 1/2 inch rims were sufficient.

Since the engine performance was practically the same for all participants, the course of the race was exciting and characterized by many overtaking maneuvers. The series, called Formula Vee , was well received by the audience, the organizers and the active.

Formula Ford and Formula Super V followed soon after, but served different concepts.

Well-known brand formulas

Known drivers

Almost all Formula 1 drivers went through one or more stations of brand formulas in their career. Keke Rosberg drove Formula Super Vau in Germany, Ayrton Senna drove Formula Ford mainly in England.

Junior Formula

As an introduction to motorsport, formulas with setting options that are not too complicated are more suitable. Aerodynamic aids (front and rear wing) can complicate the situation, but do not have to (ineffectiveness). In the beginning of Formula Renault, the adjustable rear wing was almost irrelevant. There were no wings in Formula Vee and Formula Ford 1600/1800, probably in Formula Super Vee and Formula Ford 2000. The more modern ADAC Formula Masters cars have wings at the front and rear, of which only the rear wing can be modified. In Formula BMW and the Formula LO based on it , the front and rear wings are adjustable.