Martha Höhl

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Martha Höhl , b. Gerling (born January 14, 1930 in Dortmund ; † November 30, 2018 in Dortmund), was a German librarian and library director.


Martha Höhl was born in Dortmund in 1930. After training as a library clerk, she passed her Abitur at the evening grammar school in Dortmund in 1952 on the second educational path ; one of her fellow graduates was Josef Hattig . She then studied librarianship in Cologne and graduated as a certified librarian in 1960 .

After various tasks in the Dortmund City and State Library , a. a. As head of the youth library in the vocational school center and department head of the city library, she moved to Bremen on a call from Werner Mevissen in 1974 and took over the libraries department there. In 1976, as Mevissen's successor, she was appointed chief library director of the Bremen City Library . In 1992 she retired.

During Höhl's tenure, the Bremen City Library achieved the largest expansion of the library system in 1980 with 44 branches. As early as the following year, the Bremen Senate began a drastic austerity program that destroyed branches, staff and stocks. Martha Höhl countered this with an intensified public relations concept, a nationally recognized marketing project and many internal projects, as well as with the incessant theme of a new central library.

Martha Höhl was a member of the jury of the Bremen Literature Prize as well as the Broadcasting Council of Radio Bremen .

She was married to Jürgen Höhl, a pedagogical assistant at the adult education center in Langenhagen ; the marriage has a daughter.

Literature about Martha Höhl

  • Marion Beaujean, Bremen: Martha Höhl in retirement, in: BuB - Forum Bibliothek und Information, Vol. 44 (1992) 5, pp. 457–458
  • The first: from the first mayor to the first female bus driver; Bremen women on new professional paths, ed. The Senator for Women, Health, Youth, Social Affairs and Environmental Protection; Bremen Central Office for the Realization of Equal Rights for Women, Bremen: The Senator for Women, Health, Youth, Social Affairs and Environmental Protection - Bremen: FZS 2008, p. 104
  • Christoph Köster: The Whole World of Media - A Century City Library Bremen. Edition Temmen, Bremen 2002, ISBN 3-86108-673-5 , pp. 65-71

Publications by Martha Höhl

  • Small advertising primer for library work, Dortmund: Municipal public libraries 1963
  • Library advertising, Berlin: Dt. Büchereiverband, Arbeitsstelle für das Büchereiwesen 1964, 63 p. (Publications of the Arbeitsstelle für das Büchereiwesen), ISSN 0417-2949; ZDB ID: 5002369; 4th
  • Hungarian literature of the 20th century: a selection list / edit. by Martha Höhl. With a contribution by Miklós Béládi, Dortmund: Stadtbücherei 1971, (Völker im Spiegel der Literatur / Stadtbücherei Dortmund, ISSN 0933-470X; ZDB-ID: 504102-8; 14)
  • 75 [Seventy-five] Years of the Bremen City Library: Development a. Perspektiven, Bremen: City Library Bremen; Press and Information dept. d. Senate [1976]
  • Public Relations and Promotion of Public Libraries: A Work Manual, ed. by Martha Höhl, Berlin: Dt. Library inst. 1982 (DBI materials / German Library Institute); ZDB ID: 1098287-5; 14, ISBN 3-87068-814-9
  • The marketing project in the Bremen City Library. A field report, in: Peter Petsch: The effective library. Final report of the project. "Application and testing of a marketing concept for public libraries", Volume I: Texts, Berlin, DEUTSCHES LIBLIOTHEKSINSTITUT 1992, pp. 241–248
  • Notes on Czech literature since 1945 and its prehistory since the turn of the century (in 2 parts), in: Buch und Bibliothek, Issue 9, 1994, pp. 796–818 and Issue 10/11, 1994, pp. 900–935
  • The German reader and Czech literature: the Czech Republic is the country focus at the Leipzig Book Fair 1995, in: Börsenblatt für den deutschen Buchhandel (Vol. 162, 1995, No. 22: 20–32)

Individual evidence

  3. Christoph Köster: The whole world of the media - a century of Bremen city library. Edition Temmen, Bremen 2002, ISBN 3-86108-673-5 , p. 87
  4. ^ Peter Petsch: The effective library, final report of the project "Application and testing of a marketing concept for public libraries", Volume I: Texts, Berlin, GERMAN LIBRARY INSTITUTE 1992