Martha Schlag

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Marie Martha Schlag (née Press ; born February 26, 1875 in Zwickau , † June 14, 1956 in Karl-Marx-Stadt ) was a German politician . In the Weimar Republic she was a member of the Saxon state parliament for the KPD and the SPD and a delegate at the unification party conference of the KPD and SPD to the SED .


Schlag, the daughter of a mine carpenter, worked as a maid , domestic servant and nurse. She married in 1897 and moved to Chemnitz in 1906. Here she worked in various textile companies. In 1901 she joined the SPD. From 1912 she was the leader of the Chemnitz women's movement, from 1915 she belonged to the International Group . In 1918 she joined the USPD and the Spartacus League . After the outbreak of the November Revolution , she was a member of the Chemnitz Workers 'and Soldiers' Council . In January 1919 she was one of the founders of the KPD in Chemnitz. Martha Schlag was a delegate of the III. Party Congress in Karlsruhe (1920) and the VII Party Congress in Jena (1921). During the Kapp Putsch in 1920 she was a traveling speaker on behalf of the headquarters of the KPD and was arrested in Wismar by the Free Corps "Baltic States". However, it was freed by striking workers. Martha Schlag was a member of the Presidium of the First Reichsfrauenkonferenz on December 8, 1920 in Berlin and from 1921 to 1924 acted as a full-time women's secretary for the Saxon KPD districts.

On January 9, 1923, she joined the Saxon state parliament as the successor to Ernst Grube . Martha Schlag belonged to the right wing of the KPD. In 1924 she resigned from her functions, but initially remained a member of the parliamentary group. On February 1, 1925, she resigned from the KPD because of the ultra-left course. Ten days earlier, she had already announced that she was leaving the KPD parliamentary group. Schlag rejoined the SPD. For the Social Democrats she again moved into the Saxon state parliament, to which she belonged until 1933.

After the National Socialists ' seizure of power in 1933, she was initially unemployed, later working as a housemaid again. In 1938/39 she completed a commercial apprenticeship and worked from May 1940 to March 1945 as an employee in the Chemnitz economic office.

After the war ended , she became a member of the SPD again in 1945. Schlag was a delegate at the 40th party congress of the SPD and the unification party congress with the KPD in April 1946 in Berlin . Schlag became a member of the SED district executive committee and was employed in its statistics department until 1947. Then she went into retirement.


Individual evidence

  1. ^ According to Schröder (1995) only in 1902, divorced in 1920.