Martin Rehborn

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Martin Rehborn (born June 27, 1956 ) is a German lawyer and legal scientist who works primarily in the fields of medical and health law.


After graduating from the Max-Planck-Gymnasium in Dortmund studied Rehborn first in 1975 at the Ruhr-University Bochum , then from 1977 at the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-University Bonn Law . In 1980 he passed the first state examination in law, and in 1983 after completing his legal preparatory service as a trainee lawyer, he passed the second state examination in law. Rehborn has been practicing as a lawyer since 1983. In 1985, the Ruhr-University Bochum doctorate him with one of Peter J. Tettinger supervised work for Dr. iur. In 2005 he was appointed specialist lawyer for medical law . He is currently a senior partner and managing partner of the civil law company "rehborn.rechtsanwälte" in Dortmund.

From 1992 to 1995 Rehborn was a lecturer in medical law at the University of Leipzig . Since 2003 he has been teaching health law at the law faculty of the University of Cologne . In 2005 he was appointed honorary professor there.

Since 1998 - as chairman since 2010 - Rehborn has been a member of the administrative board of the Kath.St.-Johannes-Gesellschaft Dortmund gGmbH (health and care facilities) ; since 2015 he has also acted as chairman of the board of directors of their subsidiary, St. Marien-Hospital Hamm gGmbH . Rehborn is also founding and co-editor of the legal journal GesundheitsRecht (GesR), which has been published since 2002, and has also been a member of the editorial board of the monthly journal for German law (MDR) since 2002 .

Rehborn has 2 children and 2 grandchildren; he lives in Dortmund .

Other functions and memberships (selection)

  • Member of the Association of German-speaking Medical Law Teachers
  • Member of the German Social Rights Association
  • Member of the German Society for Medical Law eV (DGMR)
  • Member of the German Society for Statutory Health Insurance Physicians
  • Member of the Society for Law and Politics in Health Care eV (RPG)
  • Member of the Society for the Promotion of Social Law Research
  • Member (since 2005) and chairman (since 2015) of the specialist committee "Medical Law" of the Hamm Bar Association

Publications (selection)

  • Legal issues of the textbook examination, 1986 (zugl Diss. Bochum 1985)
  • Commentary on Art. 74, Paragraph 1, No. 19 of the Basic Law ("Measures against publicly dangerous or communicable diseases in humans and animals, admission to medical and other medical professions and the healing trade, as well as the law of pharmacies, medicines, medical products, medicines, the Narcotics and poisons ") (2012), Art. 74 para. 1 No. 19a GG (" the economic security of hospitals and the regulation of hospital care rates ") (2010), Art. 74 para. 1 No. 26 GG (" medically supported generation of human life, the investigation and artificial modification of genetic information as well as regulations for the transplantation of organs, tissues and cells ”) (2013), in: Friauf / Höfling (ed.), Berlin Commentary on the Basic Law
  • Doctor Patient Hospital, 3rd edition 2000
  • The doctor's practice in crisis and insolvency (together with van Zwoll / Mai / Eckhardt), 2007
  • Hospital treatment contract, in: Huster / Kaltenborn (Hrsg.), Krankenhausrecht, 2nd edition 2017
  • Home supply and pharmacy (together with Räth / Herzog), 3rd edition 2019
  • Doctor's liability, in: Vorwerk (ed.), The process form book, 11th edition. 2019
  • Co-editor (together with Berchtold / Huster) and co-author of: Health Law, Commentary on SGB V and SGB XI, 2nd edition 2018
  • Commentary on the model professional code of conduct for doctors (MBOÄ) - with the exception of company law provisions - in: D. Prütting, Commentary on Medical Law, 5th edition 2019
  • Co-editor (together with Laufs / Kern) and co-author of: Handbuch des Arztrechts, 5th edition 2019
  • Commentary on §§ 630a to 630h BGB ("treatment contract") (together with Gescher), in: Erman (Hrsg.), Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch, commentary, 16th ed. 2020

Web links

Individual evidence
