Martin Senn

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Martin Senn (born March 22, 1957 in Binningen ; † May 27, 2016 in Klosters ) was a Swiss insurance manager. From 2010 to the end of December 2015 he was CEO of the Zurich Insurance Group .


Born and raised in Binningen, Basel-Landschaft , he first completed a shortened commercial apprenticeship at what was then the Swiss Bank Corporation in Basel. During his militia service in the Swiss Army , which he finished as first lieutenant , he had the desire to become a military pilot , which he was unable to achieve.

His later professional career led the investment specialist to Credit Suisse via the bank association . After moving to the insurance industry, he worked for the companies Swiss Life and Zurich, initially as head of the investment division, and from 2009 CEO and successor to James J. Schiro of the Zurich Group.

Senn died by suicide . He was married to the Korean violinist Guen Soo-Senn and had a daughter and a son.


Individual evidence

  1. Werner Enz: Martin Senn chooses suicide. In: Neue Zürcher Zeitung of May 30, 2016, accessed on June 11, 2016.