Martin Span

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Martin Span (born November 10, 1757 in Pfaffenhofen , † around 1840 in Vienna ) was an Austrian educator and author.


Martin Span initially studied humanistics at the (monastery?) Elchingen and later philosophy and law at the universities of Dillingen , Vienna and Paris .

In 1783 he returned from France and settled in Vienna . In 1789 he was hired as a professor in St. Pölten and in 1791 he was transferred to Vienna as a professor of rhetoric and the Greek language at the St. Anna high school (from 1807: Schottengymnasium ). As a teacher of history, geography and statistics, he also taught the Austrian Crown Prince Ferdinand I. On August 21, 1800, Franz Grillparzer was examined at St. Anna-Gymnasium, the examination certificate received in the Grillparzer archive is signed by Professor Martin Span.

In 1809 he retired and received both a pension for his work as a professor and a further pension for his teaching work with the Crown Prince.

Martin Span married on August 27, 1789 in Vienna.

Fonts (selection)

He published some essays in the Graeffer Conversationsblatt by Franz Graeffer :

  • Was Shakespeare a Scholar? (1820, nos. 41 and 42);
  • About the beautiful German literature. To an Englishwoman (1820, nos. 138 and 139);
  • Göthe as a poet (1821, nos. 8 and 9)


Individual evidence

  1. General literary gazette or annals of the entire literature for the speedy publication of various news from the field of learning and art: 1801, p. 336 . Roch, 1801 ( [accessed April 15, 2018]).
  2. ^ BLKÖ: Span, Martin - Wikisource. Retrieved April 13, 2018 .
  3. ^ Georg Christoph Hamberger: The learned Teutschland or lexicon of the now living German writers, starting with ---. Advanced v. Johann Georg Meusel. 5. Probably u. verb. Ed., P. 553 . Meyer, 1798 ( [accessed April 13, 2018]).
  4. ^ Austrian National Library: ÖNB-ANNO - Annual Report Schottengymnasium Wien, p. 42. Retrieved on April 15, 2018 .
  5. Annual report of the Gymnasium zu Schotten in Vienna, p. 9 . Gerold, 1857 ( [accessed April 13, 2018]).
  6. Martin Span: Speech on the Roman-German Emperor Joseph II . M. Span, and in Commission der Camesinaische Buchhandlung, 1807 ( [accessed on April 13, 2018]).
  7. Franz Grillparzer: Grillparzer's autobiography and portraits, p. 225 . Wiener Drucke, 1923.
  8. Wedding book - 02-02 | 01., Franciscans | Vienna, rk. Archdiocese (eastern Lower Austria and Vienna) | Austria | Matricula Online. Retrieved April 15, 2018 .