Martin Stümpfig

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Martin Stümpfig, MdL from Feuchtwangen, Middle Franconia

Martin Stümpfig (born October 11, 1970 in Feuchtwangen ) is an environmental engineer and a German politician from Feuchtwangen. He has been a member of the Bavarian state parliament for the Greens since October 2013 , has been a district councilor for the Ansbach district and a member of the regional planning association (RPV8) West Central Franconia since 2008.


After graduating from high school in 1990, Stümpfig studied forestry in Freising and then municipal environmental protection in Nürtingen . He graduated from both courses with a diploma in 1996 and 1998 respectively. From 2000 to 2002 he worked with his wife for the German Development Service in Mali , where he trained village advisors in sustainable agriculture. From 2002 to October 2013 he worked as an environmental engineer for the city of Ansbach . In this position he was the project manager responsible for the municipal climate protection concept.

In 2008 Stümpfig ran as mayor of Feuchtwangen in the local elections. In the runoff election he lost 45% to Patrick Ruh from the CSU, but was then elected third mayor. In the state elections in September 2013 he achieved 14.1% in the district of Ansbach-Nord , the highest number of first votes of all candidates for the Greens in Central Franconia, which together with the second votes was sufficient for his entry into the state parliament.

Stümpfig has been married since 1999 and has three children.

17th legislative period of the Bavarian State Parliament 2013–2018

For the parliamentary group Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen in the Bavarian state parliament, Stümpfig was spokesman for energy and climate protection in the 2013–2018 legislative period. He was also deputy chairman of the Committee on Economy and Media, Infrastructure, Construction and Transport, Energy and Technology and a member of the Committee on Submissions and Complaints (Petitions Committee).

Stümpfig was nominated by his party as a direct candidate for the state elections on October 14, 2018 in the Ansbach-Nord district and was elected to second place on the Middle Franconian candidate list. In the district of Ansbach-Nord, he achieved a first vote result of 20.5%. In Central Franconia he was able to win 44,157 votes, after Verena Osgyan again the second most votes of the Greens in Central Franconia.

18th legislative period of the Bavarian State Parliament 2018–2023

Stumpy moved back as a member of the Bavarian state parliament via the list of the Middle Franconian Greens in November 2018. The parliamentary group reelected him as spokesman for energy and climate protection and a member of the committee for economy, regional development, energy, media and digitization. Furthermore, he is deputy. Chairman of the Prison Advisory Board for the District Hospital Ansbach, Clinic for Forensic Psychiatry.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Klimaschutz Ansbach , accessed on September 18, 2013