Matthias Jakob Adam Steiner

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Matthias Jakob Adam Steiner (* 1740 in Kirchheim am Ries ; † December 13, 1796 in Augsburg ) was a German Lutheran theologian.

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Steiner had attended the educational institutions in his home country. He had been drawn to theology at a young age. After he had been pastor in Oettingen in Bavaria for a few years and had given positive evidence of his spiritual talent in several sermons that had appeared in print, he received a call to Augsburg in 1777. There he became a deacon and in 1783 pastor of the Evangelical Lutheran congregation at the St. Ulrich Church . He held this office until his death.

His thorough erudition, which was not limited to his actual subject, theology, secured him, combined with his rhetorical talent and his character as a person, general respect among Protestants and Catholics. Christian piety, enlightenment and tolerance united in him in a beautiful way and seemed to have passed over to his family circle. His company was amusing and instructive, like his oral and written lectures. He owned a valuable literary collection from passages by various writers, especially a rare collection of Bibles. An acquaintance of this had made a literary version of this in Augsburg from 1786 to 1786. Steiner himself had made statements about a 1536 edition of the Strasbourg Bible.


  • Historical report from the Oettingian evangelical orphanage. Oettingen, 1764
  • The true way to die gently and blissfully; a sermon. Oettingen 1770
  • A heartfelt admonition to remain immoved with Jesus. Oettingen 1770
  • Sermon on the Gospel to Mary Annunciation. Oettingen, 1770
  • Farewell sermon on I Joh. 2, 28. Oettingen, 1770
  • The true and established causes why cities and lands groan under hard and pitiful times; a sermon. Augsburg 1771
  • The pious servant (preached by D. Teller'n in Berlin) and Christian servants announced for the new year. Augsburg 1773
  • Funeral speech on the day of Mr. JL Tauber'i's funeral. Augsburg 1777
  • Funeral speech on the day of the funeral of Mr. Martin Stählin's, the inner council mayor in Augsburg. Augsburg 1780
  • What I did on the festive day of the election and coronation feast of Leopold II, our most gracious Emperor and Lord, Dom. XXIV. P. Trinite. 1790 wanted to preach, but was prevented from preaching by sudden illness; in this way communicated to those who expressly desired it. Augsburg 1790
  • Epistle to Mr. M. Panzer, concerning a hitherto completely unknown and assigned Nuremberg edition of the NT and some other biblical rarities. Augsburg 1781
  • Description of a hitherto unknown and very strange edition of the Bible which Wolff Köphl published in 1535 in Strasburg in fol. has printed. In: Meusel's hist. Litt, bibliogr. Magazine St. 4. p. 201 a. ff. (1791). - A completely new discovery which will hopefully not be unpleasant to friends of the old German literature and which will not be insignificant for the oldest Buck printer story in Bamberg. ibid. St. 5. S- 1—38 (1792) - About the extremely rare, remarkable and ancient lay Bible edition, the sine la et t. came to light in large fol., and differs from all Bibles of the first printing, mainly by the beautiful Roman types with which it is printed. ibid. St. 7. P. 12 (1794)


  • Heinrich Doering : The learned theologians of Germany in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Verlag Johann Karl Gottfried Wagner, 1835, Neustadt an der Orla, vol. 4, p. 347, ( online )
  • Johann Georg Meusel : Lexicon of the German writers who died from 1750 to 1800. Gerhard Fleischer d. J., Leipzig, 1813, vol. 13, p. 336 ( online )
  • Georg Christoph Hamberger , Johann Georg Meusel: The learned Teutschland, or, Lexicon of the German writers living now. Meyerische Buchhandlung, Lemgo, 3rd ed., 1776, p. 1163, ( online )
  • Clemens Alois Baader Lexicon of deceased Bavarian writers of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Publishing house Jenisch u. Stage, Augsburg a. Leipzig, 1825, vol. 2, p. 188 ( online )
  • Paul Tschackert:  Steiner, Matthias Jakob Adam . In: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB). Volume 35, Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig 1893, pp. 706 f.