Maurice Grammont

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Maurice Grammont (born April 15, 1866 in Damprichard , † October 17, 1946 in Montpellier ) was a French Romance scholar , Indo-Europeanist , phonetician and dialectologist .

life and work

Grammont studied in Freiburg (with Rudolf Thurneysen ), Berlin (with Johannes Schmidt ) and Paris with ( Michel Bréal , Arsène Darmesteter, Jules Gilliéron, Gaston Paris , Henri d'Arbois de Jubainville and Ferdinand de Saussure ). He completed his habilitation with the writings La Dissimilation consonantique dans les langues indo-européennes et dans les langues romanes and De liquidis sonantibus indagationes aliquot (both Dijon 1895). From 1892 to 1895 he taught linguistics in Dijon , from 1895 to 1939 he held the chair for grammar and philology at the University of Montpellier . In Montpellier he founded the Laboratoire de phonétique expérimentale in 1905 (under the influence of the abbé Jean-Pierre Rousselot) and published the Revue des langues romanes . Antoine Meillet was his mentor and friend.

Other works

  • Le patois de la Franche-Montagne et en particulier de Damprichard (Franche-Comté), Paris 1901
  • Le Vers français, ses moyens d'expression, son harmonie , Paris 1904
  • Petit traité de versification française , Paris 1911
  • La prononciation française et comment se prononce le français , Paris 1913
  • Traité pratique de prononciation française , Paris 1914
  • Traite de phonétique , Paris 1933 [main work]
  • Phonétique du grec ancien , Lyon / Paris 1948
  • Essai de psychologie linguistique, style et poésie , Paris 1950


  • Bertil Malmberg in: Studia Linguistica 1, 1947, pp. 52-55
  • Eugène Wiblé in: Cahiers Ferdinand de Saussure 7, 1948, pp. 45-46
  • Anne-Marguerite Fryba-Reber: Maurice Grammont et l'école française de linguistique , in: Cahiers Ferdinand de Saussure 52, 1999, pp. 139–153

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