Mauricio Rosenmann Taub

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Mauricio Rosenmann Taub 1980

Mauricio Rosenmann Taub (* 1932 in Santiago ) is a Chilean composer and writer .

He studied piano and composition in Santiago, where he was awarded several prizes, a. a. with the Orrego Carvallo Prize of the Chilean University. As a DAAD scholarship holder, he continued his studies in Stuttgart and Freiburg. Then he moved to Paris to join Olivier Messiaen's class at the Conservatory. At the same time he worked for the French radio in the «Groupe des Recherches Musicales». He studied musicology and linguistics at the Sorbonne . With the support of the linguist André Martinet , he received a grant from the French government. Rosenmann graduated from Messiaen with the premier prix . He returned to Freiburg and passed the composition examination (final examination for composition and music theory) with Wolfgang Fortner at the Freiburg University of Music . He was given a lectureship at the same university. In 1974 he was appointed professor for music theory as a major at the Folkwang University in Essen , where he worked until 1999.


Mauricio Rosenmann Taub 2008

Special processes of alteration are developed in Rosenmann's compositions (cf. the interview in Deutsche Welle in literature ). In the purely instrumental works "an increasing formulation of the visible is heralded." (Stefan Fricke, KDG Lexicon , 1997). His works for piano and for chamber ensemble have been performed in several European countries and in Chile; the stage works mainly in Germany and Switzerland, such as Maquinación for chamber ensemble with a pinball machine as a soloist (1979–1980); Frankenstein-OperAzione (1992) on texts by Mary Shelley with the Andante by Mozart KV 545 as cantus and Solomisazione - Opera per una persona sola (1997).
"For Mauricio Rosenmann's text production, the junction of writing / language and their graphic realization is central." In 1960 some of his poems appeared in a Freiburg magazine. In 1969 the book los paraguas del no was published. Twelve other books followed by 2012, most of them in Spanish, as well as various essays. Eugen Gomringer : "You sharpen your eyes and hearing and perceive something that comes from afar and points far into the future." "He realizes universal poetry." In Disparación (2006-07), Solo por ser usted (2009-10) and Modulación (2011-12) an attempt is made to see the musical interval and the tonal or graphic similarity of certain words in a certain context. Raúl Zurita, National Prize Winner for Literature of the Republic of Chile: «Mauricio Rosenmann takes us back to that age when gesture, graphics and sound were not yet separate forms of expression. His poems open up even before you read them and they read before you can even have a thought, as if we suddenly had before us the future memory of language, the reservoir of those signs that survive the inevitable misunderstanding that the words of always attached. " (transl. Sigrid Konrad). Stefan Fricke: "Rosenmann's oeuvre appears as a [...] artistic labyrinth in which individual Ariadne threads are spun, which almost always lead back to past forks." ( KDG , 1997).

Selection of works (music)

  • fasolauta for flute, piano, synthesizer and tape (1973–1976)
  • Hija mia (My daughter) , “Wig-lid” by Dora Taub for mezzo-soprano, English horn, viola, harp and piano, dedicated to Eva Rosenmann Taub (instrumentation: M. Rosenmann) [1]
  • vis-à-vis for two pianos and a pianist (1977), Pfau-Verlag
  • Maquinación for solo pinball and chamber ensemble, role music (1979–1980), ISBN M-50085-008-3
  • Frankenstein-OperAzione for software solo, actors, singers, speaking choir, instrumentalists, workstation and tape (1992)
  • Ground per pianoforte e basso profondo (concert grand piano and keyboard) (1996)
  • Scenata (staged sonatas) - four staged sonatas for actors, one singer and chamber ensemble (1994–1997)
  • Solomisazione - Opera per una persona sola (1997-2002)
  • Sirenata for two flutes, piano, a singer / speaker and tape (2006), dedicated to Renate Greiss-Armin . Recording of the version for a flute by players of the e-mex ensemble [2]
  • Madam Czerny for piano solo (2007-08), Pfau-Verlag, ISSM: M-50085-056-4
  • Pour les vingt doigts for piano and celesta, two hands (2012-2018)

Selection of works (poetry)

Theory and teaching

  • Songs without sound - Notes on Federico Mompou , «Canción»; Ralf R. Ollertz , “Toy Tô”; Carlos Saura , "Cría Cuervos"; Frédéric Chopin , “Preludes”, Saarbrücken 1995
  • The distortion as an analysis and composition process , special edition from the magazine «Musiktheorie», 14th year, issue 4, 1999. This essay ends the composition project Entwebernung with students from the Folkwang Hochschule based on the piano variations op. 27 by Anton Webern. Performances and analyzes: Essen, 1993; Dortmund, 1994 ( spectacular festival ); Stuttgart, 1997 (Music Theory Conference). Review by François Förstel in the magazine ME-me (Musik Experimental) No. 5, Reutlingen 1997, pp. 39–41.
  • Tone and fingering in the finale of the B minor Sonata op. 58 by Chopin and in Ondine by Ravel . «Music theory», 19th year, issue 2, 2004
  • Unreal sound - unreal sentence. Some remarks about the beginning of Tristan and two preludes by Chopin . «Music theory», 19th year, issue 2, 2004

Web links


  • Stefan Fricke: Mauricio Rosenmann Taub , in: “Composers of the Present”, KDG, ed. by Hanns-Werner Heister. - Munich: Edition Text u. Critique, 1992 ff.
  • ders .: On the visual text books by Mauricio Rosenmann , in: "Positions 42", Contributions to New Music, February 2000
  • Ramón Gorigoitía: Mauricio Rosenmann and his Aesthetics of Alteration - Interview in Deutsche Welle, 1998 [4]
  • Raúl Zurita: Modulación by Mauricio Rosenmann (January 8, 2013, "Centro Cultural Gabriela Mistral", Santiago) - Book presentation with the writers Felipe Cussen, Alfonso Mallo and the author [5]
  • Felipe Cussen: Entrevista a Mauricio Rosenmann Taub: De todos los modos posibles [6]
  • Paul Guillén: Entrevista a Mauricio Rosenmann Taub [7]
  • César Díaz-Muñoz Cormatches: Paraguas para lágrimas , en La Prensa (Santiago, 12 de octubre de 1971). [8th]

Individual evidence

  4. Disparación. Mauricio Rosenmann Taub