Max Alwin Liebers

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Max Alwin Liebers (* 1879 in Chemnitz , † 1956 in Leipzig ) was a German physician.


Liebers studied medicine in Leipzig from 1898 to 1904 . He then worked as a prison doctor at the State Institute Leipzig-Dosen . In 1925 he became deputy director at the Hochweitzschen state institute . In 1929 he was appointed director of the Zschadraß state institute. In 1937 Liebers became a member of the NSDAP .

From 1938 to 1939 he headed the reopened Colditz State Institution . In 1938 Liebers reported on the lung diseases of the patients due to the living conditions: “Of course, this negative selection among the idiots caused by tuberculosis in and of itself, since it is a life unworthy of living, is not to be regretted. But you also have to think of the entire nursing staff and consider and regulate all these questions from this point of view. "

From 1941 to 1943 he was a medical officer , from 1943 a chief medical officer in the Zschadraß reserve hospital. In 1944 he took over the management of the psychiatric department of the Plauen City Hospital until he retired in 1945.

In 1954 Max Liebers was elected a member of the Leopoldina .


  • Edmund Käbisch : The Colditz Psychiatric Institution 1938 to 1939. In: Ärzteblatt Sachsen 8/2008, pp. 428–431 ( PDF )

Individual evidence

  1. Käbisch, 2008
  2. ^ Member entry by Max Liebers at the German Academy of Natural Scientists Leopoldina , accessed on September 17, 2017.