Max Weisweiler

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Max Weisweiler (* 17th April 1902 i n Cologne , † 2. March 1968 in Rheinbach . B Bonn) was a German librarian and Orientalist .

Live and act

Max Weisweiler studied oriental languages at the universities of Bonn , Leipzig , Göttingen and Tübingen , where he received his doctorate in 1923. After working at the University Library in Cologne, the State Library in Gotha and the German Library in Leipzig, he became a library trainee at the University Library in Tübingen in 1926 . In 1927 he completed his librarianship with the professional examination for the higher library service. This was followed by activities at the University Library of Tübingen (1928) and the Prussian State Library in Berlin . There he became head of the Orient Department in 1938. In between he was on leave to study manuscripts in Istanbul . Since 1947 Weisweiler worked as a librarian at the University Library in Bonn . In 1954 he also became honorary professor for Arabic languages ​​and literature at the University of Bonn .

Max Weisweiler devoted himself to cataloging oriental manuscripts, presented numerous publications on the book industry and the intellectual history of Islam , and translated Arabic texts.

His estate is in the Leiden University Library.

Fonts (selection)

  • Studies on At tiráz al manqûs fî mahâsin al Hubûs by Muhammad ibn Ábdalqî al Buhârî , dissertation Tübingen 1924.
  • Colorful gorgeous robe. About the good qualities of the Abyssinians / by Muḥammad ibn 'Abdalbâqî al Buḫârî al Makkî; Researched in literary history and translated by Max Weisweiler, part 1, Orient-Buchhandlung Heinz Lafaire, Hanover 1924.
  • Directory of the Arabic manuscripts of the Royal University Library Tübingen , Volume 2 (No. 47–247), Tübingen 1930.
  • Arabic writer verses . In: Rudi Paret (ed.): Orientalist studies. Enno Littmann on his 60th birthday on September 16, 1935, presented by students from his time in Bonn and Tübingen, Brill, Leiden 1935, pp. 101–120.
  • Istanbul manuscript studies on traditional Arabic literature , Brockhaus, Leipzig 1937 (Bibliotheca islamica, Volume 10).
  • The pigeon's collar. About love and lovers / Abu-Muhammad 'Ali Ibn-Hazm al-Andalusi. From d. Arab. trans. by Max Weisweiler, Brill, Leiden 1941.
  • al-Iklil. Book 1 and 2; Facsimile of the manuscript Ms. or. oct. 968 of the Prussian State Library / al-Hasan Ibn-Ahmad Ibn-Jaqub al-Hamdan. [Ed .: Max Weisweiler], Prussian State Library, Berlin 1943.
  • The methodology of the dictation college (adab al-imlāʾ wa'l-istimlāʾ) / of ʿAbd-al-Karīm Ibn-Muḥammad as-Samʿānī. Edited by Max Weisweiler, Brill, Leiden 1952 (Publications de la Fondation De Goeje, Volume 14).
  • Arabesques of love. Early Arabic Stories of Love and Women / Gesammelt u. trans. by Max Weisweiler, Brill, Leiden 1954.
  • Avicenna and the Iranian royal libraries of his time . In: Avicenna Commemoration, 1956, pp. 48-63.
  • ' Abdalqahir al-Curcani's work on the inimitability of the Koran and its syntactic-stylistic teachings . In: Oriens, Vol. 11 (1958), pp. 77-121.
  • The early Arabic love story and its historical background. In: Saeculum, Volume 9 (1958), pp. 163-176.
  • The Islamic book cover of the Middle Ages, based on manuscripts from German, Dutch and Turkish libraries , Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden 1962 (contributions to books and librarianship, volume 10).
  • About caliphs, jokers and clever harem ladies. Arab. Humor, from old arabia. Sources / collected u. trans. by Max Weisweiler, Diederichs, Düsseldorf 1963.
  • Arabic fairy tales , selected u. transfer by Max Weisweiler, Diederichs, Düsseldorf 1965.
  • The office of the mustamli in Arabic scholarship . In: Claude Gilliot (Ed.): Education and learning in the early Islamic world , Ashgate Variorum, Farnham 2012 (The formation of the classical Islamic world, Volume 43), pp. 173-210, ISBN 0-86078-717-6 .


  • Alexandra Habermann u. a .: Lexicon of German Scientific Librarians 1925–1980, Klostermann, Frankfurt am Main 1985 (Journal for Libraries and Bibliography, Special Issue, Volume 42), p. 379 f., ISBN 3-465-01664-5 .
  • Richard Mummendey : The librarians of the academic service of the Bonn University Library 1818–1968 , Bouvier, Bonn 1968 (Bonn contributions to library and book studies, Volume 19), pp. 107–110.

Individual evidence

  1. Beate Wiesmüller: The Max-Weisweiler-Archive of the University Library Leiden, Leiden 2007