Maximilian Carl von Martial

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Maximilian Carl von Martial (* around 1665 in Frandeux , County Rochefort near Namur ; † April 13, 1743 at Veynau Castle near Euskirchen ), also Johann Baptist Maximilian Carl von Martial, Jean Baptiste Maximilien Charles de Martial or just Jean Baptiste de Martial, was an Electoral Palatinate field Marshal , General adjutant , Privy Councilor , bailiff and Baron . He comes from the Martial family .


He was born as the son of Lambert de Martial and Madeleine de Scoville in the former Burgundian Empire . De Martial attended the military academy at the court of Rochefort and left it in 1685. A short time later he was called into the battle against the Ottomans by the German Emperor, Archduke of Austria Leopold I , with many other associations from all over the empire. Before that, in 1682 he gave up large parts of his possession of Frandeux Castle in favor of his brother Cyriaque Albert de Martial.

Around 1688 de Martial fought for the imperial troops in Hungary against the Turks and was seriously wounded in 1688/89. In his confirmation of nobility from 1708 it says

"Also the loyal and pleasant lengthy war service which the glorious Ertzhaus Austria received from youth on in different occasions with the removal of not minor injuries"

- Noble diploma 1708/1711

In his homeland he was pronounced dead due to insufficient information from the war zone and his remaining possessions were divided among the siblings in September 1689. (Fundus Bohomme / Archives Namur).

On March 20, 1698, he entered the service of the Elector of Bavaria, Maximilian II Emanuel, as a colonel. Under his command he fought in the "Turkish Wars" in 1688 at the Battle of Belgrade .

Around 1700 he became adjutant general of the Count Palatine, later a privy councilor (appointed April 27, 1713) and in 1711 senior bailiff. zu Simmern (certificate of appointment dated March 8, 1718). With his wife, Anna Maria Agnes von Baexen zu Veynau, marriage on November 28, 1692, (church book entry , Cologne, Schnurgasse) ... " de Martial, Maximilien Charles, Capitaneus desultoriorum and Maria Anna von Baexen ... " he related , newly built by Johann Wilhelm, Simmern Castle.

In 1711 he was raised to the status of imperial baron because of his loyal service and his old title of nobility was confirmed: “ General Adjutanten Johann Baptist Maximilian Carl von Martial whose marital heirs and the same heirs, male and female, are to be regarded as legitimate barons for and for eternity, so to be name, title, write, recognize, respect, honor and respect ... and let it be used and enjoyed without a single mistake. "

Even before 1711 he was entrusted with various tasks in the context of the War of the Spanish Succession . So he often traveled to different theaters of war e.g. B. to Flanders and reported to the Count Palatine. He prepared the arrival of Prince von Eugen in Gronsfeld in 1711, conducted negotiations with Count Schaesberg or carried out various important assignments for Count Salm or the Count of Nassau. Until 1714 he seldom stayed in Simmern. The official business was taken over by his son-in-law, the land clerk Beissel von Gymnich, or the official representative provided to him, his son Johann Anton von Martial, who completely took over the upper office in 1738 (until 1740).

Irritations from the Count Palatine and a complaint from the French side triggered the execution of the French Brigadier zu Kirn, Kleinholtz, by Max Carl von Martial in September 1714. Kleinholtz, a religious fanatic, penetrated Simmern with a few armed soldiers, had the Wörrstadt high school, among others, dragged to Kirn prison and insisted on a quick recatholicization (as stipulated in the Rijswijk Treaty) of the Protestant Simmern. Von Martial, who, as chief bailiff, had jurisdiction over Simmern and the surrounding area, had the brigadier arrested. His course of action, which was not coordinated with the elector or his direct superior, the Count of Velen, meant that an intended promotion was postponed until later.

Around 1720, the von Martial family had Veynau Castle, ancestral home of the von Baexen zu Veynau family, damaged by the French, converted into a moated castle in the baroque style. In 1736 Johann Baptist Max Carl von Martial was appointed Field Marshal Lieutenant General of the Cavalry . On August 17, 1736, Max Carl von Martial received the highest possible military rank, he became General Field Marshal, which was equivalent to a ministerial post. His political influence on Johann Wilhelm, whose personal advisor he was for many years, is in the dark. Martial was buried at the patronage church of Veynau St. Medardus in Wißkirchen.


  • Barthel and Peter Peusquens: Titul and name book of your electoral candlelight in Pfaltz's entire court in 1723 . Transcription of the manuscript BSB Cgm 1665, created 2003/2007, online . On the manuscript itself: [Sl], 1723 [BSB-Hss Cgm 1665], digitized online . The manuscript is paginated, the transcription erroneously uses page counting instead of page counting.

supporting documents

  1. ^ Deduction of the rights of Duke Karl Franz Wilhelm Ferdinand von Looz by Johann Michael Franz Birnbaum
  2. Peusquens 2007 (BSB-Hss Cgm 1665, fol. 69)
  3. Peusquens 2007 (BSB-Hss Cgm 1665, fol. 155)
  4. ^ Johann Friedrich Schannat: Section Moerstroff or Moersdorf. In: Eiflia illustrata or geographical and historical description of the Eifel. 1855, p. 264 , accessed February 26, 2019 .
  5. ^ State Archives Belgium Inventaire des archives de la famille de Bonhome / C. Douxchamps-Lefevre
  6. a b Adelsdiplom 1708/1711 von Martial, Bayerisches Hauptstaatsarchiv München, box black-3621
  7. ^ State Archives Belgium Inventaire sommaire des papiers Bleret / J. Bovesse
  8. P. Alexandre PRUVOST: Vie du RP Philippe de Scouville, de la Compagnie de Jésus. 1866, p. 262 , accessed on February 26, 2019 (footnote 1): "Jean-Baptiste-Maximilien de Martial, enseigne-colonel au régiment de l'électeur de Bavière, 20 mars 1698."
  9. ^ Genealogy of the Lords and Barons of Bongart
  10. Title and name book of your electoral examination to Pfaltz entire court anno 1723 Carl Phillip 1716 - 1742  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.@1@ 2Template: Dead Link /  
  11. Cologne Vicariate General Protocols before 1700
  12. Welcome to the portal of the archives in NRW. Retrieved June 2, 2018 .
  13. An attempt at a complete geographical-historical description ... Volume 3 by Johann Goswin Widder
  14. Welcome to the portal of the archives in NRW. Retrieved June 2, 2018 .
  15. Welcome to the portal of the archives in NRW. Retrieved June 2, 2018 .
  16. ^ Burgenwelt - Veynau - Germany. Retrieved June 2, 2018 .


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