MediaSpar TV

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Infobox radio tower icon
mediaspar tv
Station logo
TV station ( private law )
Program type Sector program ( teleshopping )
reception last: cable , satellite , digital, IPTV
Image resolution ( Entry missing )
business August 1, 2007 as Glück TV
January 1, 2012 as MediaSpar TV until around mid-2017
language German
Seat Oberhausen , Germany
owner media spar television GmbH
List of TV channels
[offline website]

MediaSpar TV (own spelling: mediaspar tv ) was a German private broadcaster based in Oberhausen . The program consisted exclusively of sales programs for products and tariffs relating to the topic of mobile life : smartphones , tablets , internet and telephony . MediaSpar TV was produced by media spar television GmbH, the managing director was Christoph Preuss. The canal received its approval from the State Agency for Media North Rhine-Westphalia (LfM).


The first broadcast started on August 1, 2007. At that time, the station was still under the name Glück TV . The current station name has been used since January 1, 2012. On August 1, 2014, MediaSpar TV launched its high-definition offshoot MediaSpar TV HD with the same content .

Program and offer

The program could be received on its own channel 24 hours a day via cable and satellite and was also offered as a live stream on the Internet. The range of products offered ranged from cellular and landline telephony contracts to associated telephone devices and other hardware. In the area of ​​telephony contracts, offers from Vodafone , O 2 and Debitel were primarily sold .

The moderators included Maren Gilzer , Marcel Schenk and Harry Wijnvoord .


The technical reach was around 24 million television households. MediaSpar TV reached television households via satellite (digital; 17.5 million households) via Astra 1M and Astra 1KR , 19.2 ° East and cable (analog and digital; 6.5 million households) in the federal states of Baden-Württemberg and North Rhine-Westphalia and Hessen via Kabel BW or Unitymedia (as of October 2014). In addition, the station could be received around the clock as an internet stream via its internet presence. There, interested parties could also access the offers presented online.

Bankruptcy proceedings

At the end of May 2017, insolvency proceedings were filed with the Duisburg District Court and opened in August. The procedure had not yet been completed by May 2018. Information on the outcome of the proceedings is not known. The website was shut down by August 15, 2017 at the latest. At this time, there was supposed to have been a subpage on which customers could assert their claims (e.g. credits and bonus payments), but ultimately they were ultimately left with nothing due to lack of resources.


In 2016, the consumer protection project Marktwächter of the consumer centers criticized the business conduct of the provider. Certain advertising statements, opaque contractual conditions or price promises are therefore misleading and inadmissible. As a result, many of those affected, who reported to the consumer advice centers, had to pay “a significantly higher price for their smartphone or tablet than initially assumed”.

In June 2016, signed a declaration of cease and desist from the Schleswig-Holstein consumer advice center and announced “improvements in dealing with customers”. The object of the declaration of omission were apparently misleading information about the conditions for redeeming the bonuses.

Individual evidence

  1. a b In: Commission to determine concentration in the media sector , October 18, 2014, archived from the original on October 18, 2014 ; accessed on September 23, 2019 .
  2. Teleshopping offers with LfM license. In: Retrieved June 21, 2016 .
  3. Free TV channel Mediaspar.TV HD launched via Astra. On: , from August 2, 2014, accessed on October 14, 2014.
  4. File number 61 IN 98/17 Status Open - status report at, accessed on May 2, 2018
  5. Bastian Ebert: Update 2: is insolvent - customers are probably left with nothing., August 9, 2017
  6. a b Timo Beyer: Beware of home shopping: Market watchman warning of Mediaspar. In: June 15, 2016. Retrieved August 18, 2016 .

Web links