Media development plan

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Reason: Encyclopedic relevance not evident - one of many action plans that are worked out in this way in politics. Something like this can usually only be classified as relevant retrospectively, but it is too early for that Lutherans ( discussion ) 16:21, 17 Aug 2020 (CEST)

In Baden-Wuerttemberg, a media development plan is understood to be that document of school development , after its certification by the Baden-Wuerttemberg State Media Center and in coordination with the school authority at the end of the process, the funds from the digital pact for digital infrastructure can be accessed at general schools . The name of the document differs in different countries. In the state of Berlin, for example, one speaks of the media concept.


On March 15, 2019, after the Bundestag, the Federal Council approved the amendment to Article 104c of the Basic Law , which finally passed the digital pact . The aim of the digital pact, which was launched at the end of 2019, is to promote the technical equipment of schools. This funding consists of 5 billion euros, which should initially be put into the expansion of infrastructural measures such as W-LAN , access points and expansion of the cabling .

In the related page of the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport Baden-Württemberg it says:

The following are eligible:

  • Investments in the construction or improvement of digital infrastructures in schools, such as digital networking or cabling in the school building and on the school premises,
  • Display and interaction devices, such as displays and interactive boards, including control devices
  • digital work equipment (especially for technical and scientific education or job-related training),
  • local school server solutions under certain conditions (e.g. as buffer storage in case of insufficient bandwidth),
  • Structures for the professional administration and maintenance of digital infrastructures in the area of ​​responsibility of school authorities.

Until the outbreak of the Corona crisis , the expenses for technical devices for schoolchildren were limited to 25,000 euros. In order to enable digital distance learning for schoolchildren, the so-called "immediate equipment program" was launched, a further funding, an aid package that allows school bodies to make funds from the digital pact available in technical devices for schoolchildren. Since the funds for the digital pact were only marginally called up by mid-2020, the submission of the media development plan to receive the funding was suspended. Since then, the media development plan can be submitted later. But the school authorities have to advance the money.


The respective schools are responsible for drawing up the media development plan. The schools get help and support from the state media center and as media educational advice from the local district media centers. At some general education schools, the creation of the media development plan was linked to a functional position that enabled the applicant to become the main person in charge and to move to grade A 14 . The Baden-Württemberg State Media Center also supports the schools with a web tool that enables the school authorities and schools to take a coordinated approach.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Questions and Answers on Media Development Planning - Questions and Answers on MEP Online. In: Retrieved August 20, 2020 .
  2. Criteria and approval recommendation - State Media Center Baden-Württemberg. In: Retrieved August 20, 2020 .
  3. DigitalPakt Schule 2019 to 2024 - In: Retrieved August 20, 2020 .
  4. Administrative agreement DigitalPakt Schule 2019 to 2024. Accessed on August 20, 2020 .
  5. What is the DigitalPakt School? - BMBF DigitalPakt School. In: Retrieved August 20, 2020 .
  6. ^ Ministry of Culture - Digital Pact. In: Retrieved August 20, 2020 .
  7. ^ Ministry of Education - 2020 06 24 Immediate equipment program: guidelines for the distribution of funds. In: Retrieved August 20, 2020 .
  8. District media center TBB - learning online: immediate equipment BW. In: Retrieved August 20, 2020 .
  9. Media development planning - State Media Center Baden-Württemberg. In: Retrieved August 20, 2020 .
  10. ^ District media center TBB - media education. In: Retrieved August 20, 2020 .
  11. MEP-BW> Welcome. In: Retrieved August 20, 2020 .