Megingaud (Eichstätt)

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Megingaud († 28. April 1014 / 1015 ) was Prince Bishop of Eichstaett from 991 to 1014/1015.


Megingaud, also Megingoz, came from a noble family that was related to Emperor Heinrich II . Megingaud was at his appointment in the wake of Otto III. in Italy, which gave him a diploma a few days before his death.

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Megingaud's position in founding the diocese of Bamberg

In 1007 the diocese of Bamberg was founded. Heinrich II tried to use church politics to expand his influence in the region. The diocese of Eichstaett and the Roman Catholic Diocese of Würzburg were asked this territorial concessions to the new diocese under I. Eberhard make. While the Würzburg bishop Heinrich I gave up territories, Megingaud had the position to refuse the claims. However, his successor Gundekar I complied with extensive cessions. Through the demonstrably regular exchange of gifts, the Würzburg bishop and Megingaud were in close contact with each other. The relationship between Megingaud and Heinrich II was clouded; this can also be concluded indirectly from the fact that Heinrich II's notarizations for Eichstätt are missing and Megingaud, contrary to other Eichstätter bishops, does not appear in the emperor's entourage and also not at important meetings in the Rich participates.

Further life dates

While a medieval source, Anonymus von Herrieden (around 1075), reproaches Megingaud's successor Gundekar for his excessive hunting passion in his bishopric , a related acquisition of a hunting area on the border with Hungary according to Franz Heidingsfelder seems to be in the time Megingauds to fall. The assessment of Megingaud by the anonymous can also be summarized as a criticism of his sensual pleasures while neglecting his spiritual duties.

Megingaud buried Saint Koloman a second time in 1014 . According to the Pontifical Gundekarianum , Megingauds died as 1014, which leads to various contradictions. Alfred Wendehorst therefore speaks out in favor of assuming 1015 as the year of death.


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predecessor Office successor
Reginold Bishop of Eichstätt
Gundekar I.