Master with the tape rolls

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Master with the tape rolls: Three Christian Kings
Master with the reels: the wheel of fortune

An artist who is not known by name and who worked as a copperplate engraver around 1465 is referred to as a master with the tape rolls or master of the tape rolls ( French Maître aux banderolles , English Master with the Banderoles ) .


The master with the ribbon rolls got his emergency name from the ribbon rolls with which he provided many of his sheets, and which reproduced Latin sayings in Gothic script . These go out of the mouths of the figures in the pictures as "banners". Some of his works had previously been assigned to the master of women power .


The master with the tape rolls may have come from Flanders , as some of the works ascribed to him contain quotes in Dutch .

Style and works (selection)

Around 130 works are ascribed to the master with the tape rolls. You can find them in the British Museum in London, for example . They are often copies of works by other artists, including those by the Master of Playing Cards , Master E. S , Stefan Lochners , Rogiers van der Weyden and others. His work is not necessarily to be regarded as of high artistic skill.


  • Georg Dehio : Copper engravings by the master from 1464. Aumüller, Munich 1881, digitized .
  • André Blum: Contributions à des études sur les peintres-graveurs du XVe siècle. Le maître aux banderoles. In: La Revue de l'art ancien et modern. Vol. 32, July / December 1912, ZDB -ID 209776-x , pp. 335-350, digitized .
  • Max Lehrs : The master with the tape rolls. A contribution to the history of the oldest copper engraving in Germany. Hoffmann, Dresden 1886.
  • Anne I. Lockhart: Four engravings by the Master with the Banderoles. In: The bulletin of the Cleveland Museum of Art. Vol. 60, No. 8, October 1973, ISSN  0009-8841 , pp. 247-254.
  • Master with the Banderoles. ( Memento of March 6, 2005 in the Internet Archive ) In: The Grove Dictionary of Art. Macmillan, London et al. 2000, excerpt from, in the Internet Archive at, as of March 6, 2005, viewed May 4 2011 (English).

Web links

Commons : Master of the Banderoles  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ So named by Jean Duchesne: Voyage d'un iconophile. Revue des principaux cabinets d'estampes, bibliothèques et musées d'Allemagne, de Hollande et d'Angleterr. Heideloff et Campé, Paris 1834, p. 222 .
  2. Master . In: Heinrich August Pierer , Julius Löbe (Hrsg.): Universal Lexicon of the Present and the Past . 4th edition. tape 11 . Altenburg 1860, p. 95-96 ( ). (No. 3).
  3. ^ GK Nagler : New general artist lexicon or news of the life and works of painters, sculptors, builders, copper engravers, form cutters, lithographers, draftsmen, medalists, ivory workers , etc. Volume 4: Dumet - Gallimard. Fleischmann, Munich 1837, p. 334 .
  4. ^ Ernst Götzinger : The art of copper engraving. In: Ernst Götzinger: Reallexicon of the German antiquities. A handbook and reference book on the cultural history of the German people. 2nd, completely revised edition. Urban, Leipzig 1885, pp. 554-560.
  5. Master with the Banderoles. Art Encyclopedia. The Concise Grove Dictionary of Art. 2002. Accessed online December 2009.
  6. Master with the Banderoles. Art Encyclopedia. The Concise Grove Dictionary of Art. 2002. Accessed online December 2009.